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Leewood Board Meetings
Second Tuesday of every month @ 7:00 pm. Residents and owners welcome.
Trash cans and recycle bins should be retrieved on the day they are collected.

The Leewood Homeowners Association website provides a wealth of information. This will enable our members to receive news and announcements, access important association documents, forms and much more.

Feel free to click around to discover something new about Leewood, the association services and events offered to you by your Leewood Homeowners Association (LHOA).

We hope you'll take advantage of this service. Your input and suggestions will be appreciated.



Emergency Planning Guide

With the severe weather in our part of the country over the past year, we thought it would be helpful for you and your family to have information on planning for an emergency.

Has your family discussed how you will handle a large-scale emergency? What if you are at work, your spouse is stuck in traffic, your children are in school and you can't communicate with each other? Will everyone know what to do?

There is no way to completely plan for every emergency, but there are steps you can take to make sure you are prepared for different emergency scenarios. More >

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New Blog Fosters Two-way Communication With Park Users

Our Stories and Perspectives, a new blog created by the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA), will feature interesting content and diverse perspectives on park-related topics. Beginning in March, visitors to the blog will find informative posts from staff, stakeholders, volunteers and Park Authority Board members that address provocative issues or simply highlight success stories which may have previously gone overlooked. Posts will provide context to better understand current park initiatives, and present expert opinions. Readers are encouraged to submit comments to further the conversation. With 420 parks in the FCPA’s system, there is a wide variety of ideas, opinions, and stories to share and discuss. \

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Fairfax County Podcasts

To listen to a program on your computer, click on the "Listen" link. To subscribe to a podcast so that new programs are automatically downloaded to your computer or portable music device, right click "Subscribe," choose "Copy Shortcut," and then paste the address into podcatching program such as iTunes. Listen or subscribe directly on iTunes

Here is the link:


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The Vistors are Coming! The Vistors are Coming!

Tourist season is about to explode in the Washington area and maybe you have some friends or relatives who will be visiting. Show them how in the know you are by using these tips to get into the most popular monuments and attractions.

The warmer weather just around the corner means sightseeing houseguests are about to descend. So what will it be? Parading around the president’s place? Checking out dinosaur bones? Gawking at the cherry blossoms? We can help you come up with a game plan, whether your guests are the kind who like to have the schedule planned out for months and written in stone or those who just like to hop on the Metro and wing it. (For that matter, it isn’t too soon to start planning for next year’s guests either.) More >

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Leewood Times Articles Archive

Ever wonder what happened to the old articles from the home page? Don't worry we saved them and created a page for you to read them all over again. Keep in mind that some of them may be outdated and the links to pages outside of our website may have changed.

Leewood Times Articles Archive

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Information on How to Adopt a Pet in Fairfax County

Fairfax County Animal Shelter, 4500 W. Ox Rd., makes pets available for adoption by residents of Fairfax, Arlington, Loudoun and Prince William counties, as well as Vienna, Fairfax City, Falls Church and Alexandria. Animal viewing and adoption hours are noon to 7 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays. The shelter is closed on holidays. For information, call 703-830-1100.

The Humane Society of Fairfax County offers animals for adoption. Call 703-385-PETS (7387) or visit www.hsfc.org for information.

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Recycling & Cleaning up Broken Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Many people are unaware that a broken compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) can be hazardous. While CFLs are energy efficient and generally safe to use, be aware that, if broken, you must take special care in disposing of them. Mercury is a silvery liquid metal identified by the atomic symbol Hg. Mercury. CFL bulbs get their energy efficiency from the mercury they contain. However, you must take extreme care when cleaning up a broken bulb because mercury can be fatal if taken in large enough amounts. We have created a page with helpful information on recyling these bulbs and tips you can use in case you break one in your home. More >

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