Leewood Homeowners Association
July 20, 2004 Board Meeting
Attendees: |
Anne Esquivel, President
Dune Ly, Vice President
Michael Day, Member-at-Large/Special Projects
Al Sanford, Grounds & Maintenance
Betty Lillard, POA Packets
Open Forum
Tony McSorley: Announced that homes behind 7001 Leewood would be turned into Condo’s.
Ron Filadelfo: Announced that Franconia Precinct would be the responding unit, were an incident to occur at the Leewood sub-division.
Approval of minutes
June minutes were read aloud and unanimously approved.
Committee Reports
Anne reported that Pam Stover has resigned and requested Mike Day to take over. Mike will set up a meeting after the summer.
Grounds & Maintenance
Al presented a list of “Grounds & Maintenance” projects pending as of 20 July 2004. He mentioned we need volunteers to help get the projects underway.
Recommendation made to prune diseased trees at 7034 Leebrad & 5252 Leestone Court, and remove a dead tree behind one of the homes on Leebrad. Al also recommended we don’t spend the money to remove the trees behind Bradwood Ct. homes for Scorch disease, since they pose no danger to the homes they sit behind and they provide several benefits to those residents.
Board agreed to Al’s proposal.
Discussion ensued regarding Verizon and the installation of fiber-optic cables in and around Leewood.
HOA Accounts
Approximately 75% through the assessment season – as of now there are approximately 80% complete.
President’s Report
Anne will call Mary Anne Wilson regarding paving.
Anne is acting as treasurer due to resignation of Treasurer. Financial books need auditing. Anne will initiate contact with an auditor to determine account status. Board members agreed that the financial bookkeeping should be out-sourced to a company due to the depth of knowledge required to accurately maintain the books and the lack of another volunteer to assume the responsibility.
Vice President’s Report
Dune reported that he checked and the Board is covered up to $50K Bonding – each mortgage broker validates Bonding at the time of home purchase.
Granberry Estates Update: Main access will be via Woodland Rd, and the water main access will be at the end of Bradwood St.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:16 PM
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