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Leewood Homeowners Association

June 8, 2004 Board Meeting


Attendees: Anne Esquivel, President
Dune Ly, Vice President
Merrill Chertok, Treasurer
Ken Chertok, Secretary
Michael Day, Member At Large/Special Projects

Al Sanford, Grounds and Maintenance
Betty Lillard, POA Packets

Open Forum
Tony McSorley asked if there needed to be so many people involved in producing the POA packets, because it seems inefficient. Betty Lillard indicated that she would be able to respond to requests more quickly if Pam (ARC) and Leona (HOA Accounts) had people who served as backups while they were unavailable or, alternatively, if the database that is used to keep track of payments and ARC violations was available to her electronically. Anne will look into getting a copy of, or access to, the database.

Approval of Minutes
May minutes were read aloud and unanimously approved. Merrill will send an electronic copy to Greg Bellan for posting on the website. February and March minutes not yet available.

President’s Report
Anne has received resignations from two Board members, Ken Chertok and Merrill Chertok. An email to Ken from a Leewood resident was read into the record in full, is attached hereto and is made a part of the record. We aren’t sure if we need a special meeting to fill the two vacant positions on the Board.

Parking remains a controversial issue. Perhaps a more objective third party should be involved.

Vice President’s Report
No report.

Treasurer’s Report
We are having difficulty deciphering the 2001 and 2002 audits and the financial statements because we don’t have the required accounting knowledge. We should consider hiring a CPA to sort this out or possibly serve as an adjunct Board member to help the Treasurer.

Also, a few of our vendors are adding fuel surcharges to their invoices temporarily until the prices go down. Both AAA and J&M have done this so far.

Secretary’s Report
Ken reported that his request to VDOT about a traffic light has been forwarded to the appropriate person and we should expect an answer soon. We are still waiting for an answer about the turn lane.

Committee Reports

Anne is not sure if Pam is still willing to head up this committee. She has done some walkthroughs recently for people who are about to sell their homes, but has not organized the volunteers yet. Tony suggested that Anne notify the volunteers to start getting them organized. Two homeowners attended the meeting to protest two ARC violations they received just as they were about to go to closing. The Board reviewed them and Anne signed a waiver on Pam’s behalf so the new owner will not be held responsible for them.

Grounds & Maintenance
Al presented a proposal from “The Care of Trees” for the removal of dead or dying trees. He noted that items #2&4 were the most important. If we authorize all of them, the cost could be up to $4,220. The Board requested that Al call Audubon for a second quote.

HOA Accounts
(Report was received via email after the close of the meeting.) Leona reported that we have nine overdue accounts, two of which are at the attorney and two more are going to the attorney soon. She does not yet have the updated directory pages, so cannot print the directory. She has also not yet received the ARC inspection results from Pam, so cannot do the annual ARC letters. Assessment notices for the 3rd quarter will be going out at the end of June.

Adjourned 9:30pm.

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