Meeting - January 9, 2001
Present: Champ Buck, Vice President
Leona Taylor, Treasurer
Al Sanford
Pam Stover, ARC Chairperson
Absent: Judy Currier, President
Julie King, Secretary
Other: Becky Taylor
Tony McSorley
The Vice President called the
meeting to order at 8:10pm.
I. Open Form: It was opened and closed with no
homeowners wishing to comment.
II. Minutes: The minutes of the October 10th Board meeting
have not been submitted for approval.
The minutes of the November 14th Board meeting were approved as
written. In the December 12th minutes,
there were some corrections needed regarding the Kim property at 7060 Leebrad
and dates for some of the assessments for ARC violations. It was agreed to send the homeowner a thank
you note. The minutes are being held for
future approval.
III. Officers Reports:
President: (The VP reported for
the President)
1. Homeowner Accounts: One homeowner is $405 in arrears
and will be sent to the
attorney for collection. Three other
are at their limit and also
will be sent to the attorney.
Ninety-five (95)
homeowners owe for this quarter.
Annual Meeting (March 13th): The annual meeting will be held in the
Multipurpose Room of the
Phillips School. Barbara Rolling will
the reception before the
meeting and she will ask Ellie O’Meara to assist her.
Vice President: - no report
Secretary - not present at the meeting
1. Financial Reports: The Treasurer distributed and reviewed the Balance
Sheet by Month
(as of 12/31/00) and the Budget Report (1/1/00 through
12/31/00). She has been working with the
auditor; the audit is completed and
will be available for the
Annual Meeting.
2. Survey Status: A preliminary report of the survey results
has been
tabulated and it was
distributed to Board members. There were
responses. When it is fully completed, it will be
e-mailed by the
Treasurer to each
3. Wachovia Bank: The Account Manager at Wachovia stated that
the savings account
is only earning 2-3% interest. He suggested
a money market
account with 4-6% interest. The
recommended that the
higher interest account be initiated.
Board unanimously
approved this action.
Committee Reports:
A. Architectural Review: Pam Stover, Chairperson, stated that Koger has
been notified of the status
of the Board packages. There are about
homeowners in the group who
have been granted extensions. There are
more 3rd letter notices to be sent out as Pam is not sure that the homeowners received second notices. The ARC is planning a Spring walk- through and everything will be looked at, including those homes due a second notice.
For those homeowners that received extensions, Pam will inspect the properties in February to see if the violations have been corrected.
B. Grounds and Maintenance: Al Sanford, Chairman, reported the following:
1. The J & M Contract is signed;
2. The AAA Tree Company did “a great job” on
branch removal; and
3. Geoscape used quite
a lot of sand during the last snowstorm.
In the
future, the Chairman would like to see less
sand used because it is
costly and difficult
to remove. He recommended that if there
is only
snow, or packed snow,
that sand be used only on the sloping areas and
intersections. The only time there is a need to sand the
entire community
is during an ice
storm. The Board approved of this
The Vice President reported
on behalf of the President that
47 people have joined up on
the Website. One person who signed
up is not a member of the
community. It was suggested that this
person be queried as to
Nominating Committee:
The Chairman (Al Sanford)
reported that two homeowners have responded -
Chris Taylor and Mohammed
Umar. Mr. Taylor would be willing to
on the Board. Mr. Umar is an accountant and wants to serve in a financial capacity on the Board.
on the Board. Pam Stover offered to
invite the individuals interested
serving on the Board to her home one evening.
In this way, the Board
could meet these people and ask for their resumes. This meeting
to occur before the Annual Meeting packages are distributed to homeowners so
that the resumes could be included in the package.
Old Business:
How to handle penalties for those that did not come to hearings?
This matter was deferred and
may be revisited.
ARC violations:
No action was taken by Sim, Kiernan or Huntzinger,
so letters will be sent to them by Leona Taylor indicating that the penalties
as assessed at the prior hearing will begin as scheduled.
Tabled Items:
1. Committee to Review Design and Appearance
It was recommended that
a Committee be formed to review the
Standards. As a subset of this review, two other issues
could be
reviewed: a) Projects that impact drainage and b)
Trucks driving
in the common area.
2. Koger
Performance: Pam Stover, ARC
Chairperson, is looking
around for another
property management firm to replace Koger.
New Business:
Monthly letter giving status of Penalty Accounts:
The Board unanimously
approved that a monthly statement giving the
status of penalty accounts be
sent to the homeowners accruing the penalties.
File of Routine Board Activities (month-to-month):
The Treasurer would like a
“tickler file” of the month-to-month
routine Board activities prepared, so that there would be a
record available for
reference purposes.
VII. Announcements: None
The meeting was adjourned at 10pm.
Submitted by:
Barbara Rolling