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Leewood Homeowners Association

May 8, 2001 Board Meeting


Meeting called to order by the President at 8:05 P.M.

Board members present:
L. Taylor
R. Filadelfo
A. Sanford
C. Taylor
M. Umar

Residents in attendance:
E. Brown
B. Flynn
C. Hiltz
W. Malave
T. McSorley
S. Sickman
C. Wimmer

Open Forum:

  1. Questions were asked and answered about the Schawab and Vanguard accounts.
  2. Two suggestions were made regarding minutes: (a) that attending homeowner contributions be included in the minutes, and (b) that minutes be distributed to homeowners, at least those attending the meeting. Board will take under advisement.
  3. Questions asked about the Board's policy regarding towing.
  4. There was additional discussion (carried over from previous Board meeting) regarding what
    Home Sale information would be printed in the newsletter. See "Approval of Minutes".
  5. Complaint registered by several residents regarding the parking of commercial vehicles
    in Leewood parking spaces. This appears to be presently allowed within the Covenants. Further questions were raised as to whether or not new limits "should" be considered.
  6. Also regarding easing parking stress, it was suggested that residents be made aware of alternative parking, such as parking on Bradwood Street and Braddock Mews Place.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the March 15, 2001 special meeting were approved as written. Noted: The January 2001 minutes still need to be corrected and approved. The April minutes were approved with the correction: (D. Board Member. paragraph 1 "street addresses as associated with a specific sale price" (will not be published by the Board).

Officer Reports:

President's Report: Leona reviewed monthly duties for May and June. All duties were assigned. Leona reported that efforts are being made to complete a new database for use by the Board. While the new database is being assembled, we are still using Judith Currier's database. Leona hoped that the new database would be operational within the month.

Vice President's Report: Ron reported that from his reading of the bylaws that the Board is indeed allowed to use an attorney to seek monetary damages against those that have long outstanding architectural violations.

VP looked into ongoing problem of a car parked illegally on Leebrad near the intersection of Bradwood Court. A long discussion ensued regarding Leewood's parking regulations and towing policy. The suggestion was made that a review of Leewood's rules and regulations regarding parking would be timely. Action: V.P. to review with Larry Westberg recent parking articles and, as needed, write an article in the June newsletter on the subject of "parking" and among other things emphasize the need for residents to be flexible and considerate in their parking habits.

Treasurer: No report as he is still working on converting the Quicken accounting data files to his computer.

Secretary: No Report

ARC: Chair reported that the spring walkthrough has been completed but that the processing of the results of the walkthrough is still pending. There are problems to be solved compiling the information in a database and sending out letters. Chairperson is still considering how letters will be sent out.

The chairperson has corresponded with residents regarding specific infractions of the standards (e.g. inappropriate signs and storage of items). There have been twenty positive responses and four non-responses to date.

Pam reported that trash being put out at the curb prematurely is as a problem that seems to be getting worse.

A group rate for the replacement of fences is being explored. A group rate for sidewalk replacement, if explored, will not be until the fall.

The President raised the issue of three residents who have been assessed penalties for architectural review violations. This issue was raised in the context of what the Board's next action will be in this matter. In these three cases, a maximum penalty of $900.00 has been reached or soon will be reached. The various alternative actions that the Board legally can take were reported by the President based on a phone conversation with the association's attorney. The remedies include self-help where the association performs the repairs and charges the costs to the homeowner and pursuing collection of the penalties through legal means.

It was then recommended that: (a) in one case, involving shutters, where the homeowner has contacted the Association and reportedly has the new shutters in hand, the President correspond with this owner; (b) in the other two cases where there has been no response to the Board regarding multiple violations, these cases will be turned over to the Board's attorney for action. These actions were approved by the Board. Action: President to write letter and contact our attorney accordingly.

Committee Reports:

G&M: Association to purchase replacement tree in front of 7006 Leebrad Street and enrich the soil in that spot. Owner at 7006 Leebrad is to be notified.

Website: J. Currier has volunteered to stay on doing updates. She is particularly interested in being able to report emergent items, i.e. crimes in Leewood or other safety concerns but will also included items given to her, i.e. minutes, financial reports, Board agendas, etc. M. Umar knows of a Leewood citizen with computer expertise who has offered to help with the website. Both individuals will be used for website updates.

Community Affairs: M. Wilson has agreed to continue as the Chair of this committee. She will not be able to organize group rates or expand on the role of community affairs representative but will continue to keep up a current list of acceptable contractors.

POA: W. Wilkinson is resigning. In the absence of a replacement for him, Al Sanford has agreed to assume this responsibility but will try to recruit help with this job.

Welcoming: Staffed

Old Business:

The results of the survey, as well as phone complaints to Board members, confirms that there are parking problems in Leewood needing solution. It is noteworthy that the problems seem to be associated with only two or three specific areas in Leewood. Considerable discussion ensued. Some specific issues identified were: (1) units that have multiple cars (three or more); (2) cars that are leaking fluids, destroying the asphalt; (3) vacationing residents and visitors occupying unreserved spaces for days on end. Action: Ad Hoc Parking and Traffic Committee formed with Chris Taylor as chairman. First meeting to be held, Monday, May 21st at 7:30 P.M. Meeting place to be announced on website and with mailbox notices.

Tabled: (a) Drainage issues and proposed policy; (b) Revisions to the ARC standards manual; (c)Locating house diagrams, and consideration of including same in ARC standards.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:57 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Al Sanford


May 28, 2001

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