Leewood Homeowners Association
November 13, 2001 Board Meeting
Leona Taylor, President
Ron Filadelfo, Vice President
Mohammed Umar, Treasurer
Al Sanford, Secretary
Chris Taylor, Special Projects
Tony McSorley
(Joe Strickland, Kerry Dumbaugh, Cathy Brent for tot lot discussions only)
Meeting was called to order at 8:06 PM; meeting held at multipurpose room at Phillips School.
Open Forum
• Joe Strickland and Kerry Dumbaugh argued against the addition of the Tot Lot.
• Tony McSorley asked about the need for board members to be able to manage association investments via the internet, thus negating the two-signature safeguards. He strongly opposes this. President to look into possibility of internet access with two-person security.
Approve Minutes
• Minutes of the September meeting were approved, subject to one change. Vice President to make this change. Vice President assigned the responsibility for minutes, from this point on.
President's Report:
- Notice stating that there will not be an increase in quarterly assessments for the coming year needs to go out by 1 December. President will compile this and two other things to go out together in a mailing by 1 December: a directory survey, and the Tot Lot ballot. When she has these three documents ready, she will call board members to help stuff envelopes.
- Notices reminding homeowners that there will be no trash pick-up on Thanksgiving need to be pinned to the mailboxes. Chris Taylor was assigned this task.
- President will send out delinquent letters for some ARC violations.
- New Grounds and Maintenance contract will soon be delivered.
- Homeowner assessment accounts are in very good shape; fewer than 15 are late, and all of those are only for one quarter ($135).
- POA cost is likely to be lowered when we terminate the account with Koger. We will continue to charge the old amount until we determine what the correct charge should be. If we end up overcharging anyone, we will refund them the applicable amount.
Vice President's Report:
- Lee fence company has been contacted about fence replacement; awaiting return call.
- Vice President agreed to take over duty of compiling minutes.
Treasurer's Report:
- Financial report for the 10 months ending in October 01 was presented. Several spreadsheet errors are suspected, so it needs to be fixed.
Secretary's Report
- Secretary asked for help with minutes.
Special Projects Officer
- Police towed abandoned van from Leestone Street• A car in Leewood had its tires stripped off; it is reported that this is a car that is not driven for long periods of time and occupies the same space indefinitely.• A purse snatching occurred on Leebrad Street
- Special Projects Officer to write a newsletter article about these events
ARC Report (presented by President for ARC Chair)
- Each board member is to contact Pam with a yes/no about the request to paint shutters on Leebrad Street
- ARC chair submitted list of homes to which second-notice letters need to be sent. Board unanamiously authorized ARC to send these second-notice letters.
- ARC will soon re-inspect homes that are facing Nov 30 deadlines for repairs.
Tot Lot committee (Presentation by Kathy Brent)Census showed 58 children aged 12 and under in Leewood
- 0 - 4 years: 27
- 5 - 9 years: 19
- 10-12 years: 12
In the original survey of community interest, the results were 14 pro, 34 con, 3 neutral
A) High-end playground
- $13,270; includes all installation and taxes
B) Lower-end playground
- - $9,123; includes all installation and taxes
- - Or, for something a bit better, $11,096
C) Little Tykes brand playground- $13,500
Warrantees are for 15 years - includes parts and laborAdditional Costs:
A) Drainage- Basic drainage = $861 additional
- More expansive drainage system would be about $3,000
B) Fence around it
- $2,160 or lower (2,160 is for the high-end fencing option)
C) Insurance - Zero; Our insurance company said that our community policy would already cover a community playground
D) Maintenance -
- Requires yearly inspection and 2-yearly "mulching" (or some such fixing of the dirt)
- $200 per year for the annual inspection
- $200 every 2 years for the "mulching"
Action: Tot lot committee to draft up the "ballot" that will go out to the homeowners - but board will scrub this very thoroughly to ensure objectivity. Any ballot that goes out will be controlled by the board. Meeting adjourned at 10:15
Minutes compiled by: Ron Filadelfo, 10/16/01
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