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Leewood Homeowners Association

September 13, 2005 Board Meeting



Board members present:
Julie King, President
Albert G. Carchedi, Secretary
Tom Harvat, Treasurer
Mohammad Umar, At large

Others attending: Janet Rourke, Al Sanford, Leona Taylor

Secretary called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M.

Minutes of August 9, 2005 were approved as submitted

Secretary’s report: We received a proposal from Reserve Advisors, Inc.to do an update to our program after only two years.

MOTION: It was moved and approved that we reschedule the study until 2008 and have it redone every 5 years. Secretary will advise Reserve Advisors.

A letter from a resident was read regarding concern about cut through traffic. It was suggested that we post a "NO THROUGH STREET" sign at the entrances to Bradwood Street and Leestone Street to discourage the cut through Al Carchedi will check on the legality and costs and report back to the board.

President’s Report: President Julie presided over balance of meeting. Her report included further conversation with AAA Trash regarding new contract. Our position remains the same, and no further action is needed.

She has had conversations with CAI regarding parking. One community does have two reserved parking spaces for owners, but guest parking is a problem.

President has done some research on streetlights for the community. Since this is a major item, it was decided that further research was needed.

President read from Judy Currier’s report highlighting collections and some legal advice. All agreed it was a very informative report.

Treasurer’s report: Tom advised that he has been working with three contractors on redoing the reserved spot painting. One contractor appears willing, but would not commit to two consecutive days. It was suggested that the repainting be done section by section. This should help the contractor and will cause the least disruption.

Tom reported that Schwab is ready to move the excess cash to CDs, but as Treasurer he was not permitted to order the transfer. Leona advised that all of the paperwork has been filed. Al Carchedi advised that he would make the transaction.


MOTION: It was moved and approved that Hearing letters be sent to all on the list presented, except 5278 Bradgen Court, 7017 Leebrad Street, 7008 Leestone Street.

MOTION: It was moved and approved that second letters be sent to all except: 7020 Bradwood Court; 7028 Bradwood Court; 7041 Bradwood Court; 7044 Leestone Street; 7046 Leestone Street.

Hearing letters still active: Letter was sent to 5253 Bradgen Court giving advice on correcting violations. 5288 Bradgen Court: Letter and phone calls to contractor have not been answered.

First letters are normally not reviewed at board meetings. However, it was noted that only 10 new violations were on the report. This is a far cry from what it was only 6 months ago. Board congratulated the ARC, particularly it’s Chair, Janet Roarke, for a tremendous accomplishment over a relatively short period of time. The community looks wonderful due to their diligence and perseverance.

Leona handed out preliminary budget for 2006. Also gave us budget history from 2000 forward.

Discussion of increasing the assessment for next year ensued. Budget, fees, and notifications are agenda items for October.

G&M; Al Sanford discussed the community and gave the board his preliminary budget for 2006.

Discussion of dying oak trees on Backlick road brought forth a motion.

MOTION: It was moved and approved that G&M be authorized to remove the dying oak trees on Backlick road at a cost of approximately $4000.

Patching and resurfacing in some of the areas was deferred until next year.

Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M.

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