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Leewood Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes of

November 14, 2006




Janet Rourke - President
Mohammed Umar – Treasurer
Rose Weber – Secretary
Leona Taylor – Financial Secretary
Al Sanford – Grounds & Maintenance

Convening: Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. Meeting was held in the Phillips School Library.

Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2006 regular meeting and the October 24, 2006 special meeting. Motion was carried and the minutes were approved as written; signed and accepted for the record.

Melinda Ford was present and volunteered to fill the vacant Board position, Member-at-large, until the next annual meeting. A motion was made and carried to accept Melinda as the 5 th member of the Board.

Open Forum: No homeowners were present for Open Forum.

Architectural Review Hearings:

At 7:35 pm the Board went into Executive Session for the purpose of conducting ARC hearings. The Board reconvened in General Session at 7:40 pm.

The Board conducted one (1) scheduled ARC violation hearing, in absentia, that resulted in penalties being assessed effective 1 December 2006 for violations at the following property: 7056 Leestone Street. Motion to assess penalties as stated above was passed unanimously.

Old Business:

Parking Committee: There has been no action with regard to forming a parking committee; no committee members have been appointed.

Nominating Committee: Discussed the need to aggressively pursue membership for this committee and the need to have people in “the pool” as back-up for currently serving volunteers should they resign or be unable to perform their functions for any reason.

Budget: After much discussion, a motion was made and carried to approve the budget for 2007. Budget details will be provided to each homeowner via the annual budget/assessment notice. Budget will also be posted on the website.

Drainage: A walk-through was conducted by a contractor, Janet Rourke and Al Sanford to assess the drainage problems in Leewood. It was determined that all the problem areas identified are repairable, although cost and method will vary depending on the area and severity of the problem. This walk-through was not an estimate, but rather a process to have a professional confirm that there is a drainage problem and to determine problem areas.

Common Area Lighting: Lighting continues to be researched and discussed. After researching solar lighting, it was determined that installation is cost prohibitive and that available designs do not meet Leewood design standards. A motion was made and carried that we discontinue research into solar lighting as an option for Leewood.

Locking Mailboxes: This project continues to be researched. The next step is for the President & the Secretary to meet with the Postmaster.

Committee Reports:

Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations:

Hearings will be scheduled and notification letters sent for alleged violations at the following properties: 7050 Leestone Street.

Extensions: None.

Hearings to be re-scheduled: None.

Second violation notices: None.

Grounds and Maintenance: Al Sanford brought to the Boards attention the need to do some pruning of common area trees in various areas, to include some specific requests by homeowners to prune common area trees that are scraping fences, roofs, windows etc. A motion was made and carried to authorize the necessary pruning.

Activity Report – Homeowner Accounts / Website: Report provided a summary of penalty accounts. Report also indicated Website is running smoothly with no issues to report.

Financial Report: A balance sheet and budget report were presented to the Board.

President’s Report: The new trash contract is signed, with service to begin December 1, 2006. Trash re-education campaign will begin immediately and will include website postings, mailbox notices, handouts and refrigerator magnets.

A letter to the properties on upper Leestone, asking them to please put their trash on Leestone Street in front of their own homes will be drafted and sent in an effort to resolve issues between neighbors regarding placement of trash for pick-up.

The new directory is out. Many thanks to Judy Currier and crew who made this happen so quickly.

Al Carchedi will continue to act as the “Authorized Agent” for Leewood.

New Business:

Authorization for curb painting on Leestone Street: The recent street project left some new curbs in need of repainting. There are some reserved parking spaces that need curb repainting and some no parking areas. A motion was made and carried to approve this repainting. Al Sanford will contract to have this done as quickly as possible.

Assessment Letter package: Packages are ready and will be mailed on November 22, 2006.

Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting and Annual Meeting package were discussed. Package needs to start being prepared. By-law changes will be part of that package and will include, at a minimum: clarification of oversized vehicles, clarification regarding the posting of signs on both common and private property and PODS. The issue of voting proxy was also discussed and it was decided that it would be handled as it was at last year’s annual meeting. Annual Meeting format was also discussed and all present agreed that a more structured meeting than the previous is required in order to accomplish anything. To that end, the Board will present accomplishments of 2006 and goals for 2007 (for discussion). Speakers and door prizes were also discussed.

A special hearing was held, in absentia, regarding trash violations. This hearing is the first of its kind and is the result of the recently established practice of the Board to send trash violation notices to residents who are observed and reported violating our trash rules & regulations (ie: placing trash on the curbs before dark; dumping in the common area etc.). The first letter is notification that they have been observed violating our trash regulations, the second notice advises them that they are now being asked to appear before the Board and that penalties may be assessed. The third letter advises that another observance will result in the immediate assessment of penalties. The result of this hearing was to send the third letter stating that penalties will be immediately assessed if there are anymore violations reported. Motion was made and carried unanimously.

Adjournment: The Board adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Certified for the record:

___________________ _____________

Rose Weber, Secretary Date


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