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Leewood Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes of

October 10, 2006




Bob Chilakamarri – Vice President
Mohammed Umar – Treasurer
Rose Weber – Secretary
Janet Rourke – Member at Large & ARC Chair

Leona Taylor – Financial Secretary
Al Sanford – Grounds & Maintenance

Convening: Meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm. Meeting was held in the Phillips School Library.

Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2006 regular meeting and the special meetings that were held to discuss trash. Motion was carried and the minutes were approved as written; signed and accepted for the record.

Julie King’s resignation as President of the LHOA Board, member of the LHOA Board and member of the Web committee, effective October 1 st, 2006 was read and accepted by the board. Janet Rourke, by unanimous decision of the Board will serve as President until the next Annual Meeting of the Leewood Homeowners Association.

Open Forum: A homeowner was present to express displeasure at ARC/Board notification procedures with regard to Violation, Hearing and Hearing Decision letters and to determine whether or not penalties were being assessed for violations that had been corrected. The ARC chair confirmed that they have no outstanding violations and are not being assessed any penalties. The Board Secretary then apologized to any displeasure caused to the homeowner.

Bob Nelson, Bob Flynn & Melinda Ford were present to discuss parking and towing. Bob Nelson asked for and was provided with a letter of authority from the Board authorizing him to be a “towing agent” for the Leewood Community. Ticketing and towing procedures were discussed. A brief discussion was also held regarding mailboxes and other projects being researched.

Trash problems and the problem of owners not picking up after pets were also discussed.

Architectural Review Hearings:

At 8:07 pm the Board went into Executive Session for the purpose of conducting ARC hearings. The Board reconvened in General Session at 8:14 pm.

The Board conducted two (2) Scheduled ARC violations hearings, in absentia, that resulted in penalties being assessed effective 1 November 2006 for violations at the following properties: 5277 Bradgen Court and 7056 Leestone Street. Motion to assess penalties as stated above was passed unanimously.

Old Business:

Parking Committee: There has been no action with regard to forming a parking committee; no committee members have been appointed.

Nominating Committee: Although a notice asking for members was posted on the website, there continues to be no action with regard to forming a nominating committee; no committee members have been appointed.

Trash: A unanimous motion was carried to select American Disposal Services (ADS) as Leewood’s new trash service.

Budget: Budget discussions continued. A budget sheet was again provided by Leona Taylor. Budget submissions were incorporated; requirements and ideas were again discussed. It will be reviewed and budget submissions will be provided at the next Board meeting. Main budget items on the table are: Contribution to Reserves; amount of raise in assessments and capitol improvements. Board will work the budget with Leona Taylor.

Drainage: Drainage problems throughout Leewood were discussed further. It was decided that estimates needed to be obtained in order to decide if drainage should be included in the 2007 budget. Al Sanford will begin this process. Board President is working this project with Al Sanford.

Common Area Lighting: Lighting was discussed and it was determined that further research is required to determine if lighting should be included in the 2007 budget. Board President and Board Secretary will continue to research this issue.

Locking Mailboxes: This issue was discussed further and it was determined that mailboxes would also be researched further for inclusion in the 2007 budget if possible. The Board President is researching this issue to determine approximate cost and available options.

Leewood Directory: Response for the new Leewood Directory has been excellent and it is expected to be completed and delivered soon.

Committee Reports:

Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations:

Hearings will be scheduled and notification letters sent for alleged violations at the following properties: 7056 Leestone Street.

Extensions: A 30 day extension was granted for violations at 7001 Leebrad Street.

Hearings to be re-scheduled: None.

Second violation notices were approved for alleged violations at: 7056 Leestone Street

Penalties: Request for a waiver of penalties was denied for violations at 7082 Leestone Street.

There was no President’s report given.The Vice Presidentreported that although he had posted a plea for volunteers to serve on the Nominating Committee, there are still no members. The Treasurer reported that there is still no parking committee and no potential volunteers.

Grounds and Maintenance: First Phase of the street paving has been completed. Second Phase will occur on October 16 th and 17 th, weather permitting. 

Activity Report – Homeowner Accounts / Website: Report provided a summary of penalty accounts. The report also indicated that the Message Board is running smoothly.

Financial Report: A balance sheet and budget report were presented to the Board.

New Business:

Authorization for those who ticket, to ticket commercial vehicles and proceed with enforcement of parking regulations: This issue was discussed and it was determined that current regulations negate the need to re-educate residents and homeowners regarding parking/vehicle regulations and that there is no need to notify them that enforcement is to begin in earnest. The act of ticketing itself will accomplish our goal of compliance much more effectively then letters and notices. The ticketing of illegally parked vehicles and commercial vehicles in accordance with current Leewood governing documents can and should begin immediately.

Notification regarding assessments and related articles on lights and mailboxes to accompany assessment notification to homeowners in December: It was decided that information on lights and mailboxes would be included in the annual assessment letter, but until we have more details regarding cost, specifics of the letter cannot be decided.

Discussion of repair of sod in badly damaged common areas: The issue of sod repair was discussed as it pertains not only to the aesthetic, but also its impact on existing and/or potential drainage and erosion issues. It was determined that repairs would be made and that Al Sanford should ask the landscape company about cost to repair these areas.

Adjournment: The Board adjourned at 9:40 pm.

Certified for the record:

___________________ _____________

Rose Weber, Secretary Date



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