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Leewood Homeowners Association

January 9, 2007 Board Meeting



Janet Rourke - President
Bob Chilakamarri – Vice President
Rose Weber – Secretary
Leona Taylor – Financial Secretary
Al Sanford – Chair, Grounds and Maintenance

Convening: Meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm. Meeting was held in the Phillips School Teachers Lounge.

Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2006 regular meeting. Motion was carried and the minutes were approved as written; signed and accepted for the record.

Open Forum: Bob Flynn was present for Open Forum and expressed concerns about the disrepair of Leewood perimeter fence, specifically slats that are down or broken in the wooded area behind upper Leestone and a downed section along the rear of lower Leestone visible from Backlick Road. The status of the repainting of those curbs along Leestone affected by the recent street repair was also discussed. Response to these inquiries is addressed in the Grounds and Maintenance Committee Report.

Architectural Review Hearings: There were no scheduled ARC hearings. A motion was passed and carried to reverse a determination of a request to waive penalties for violations at 7071 Leestone Street. Rather than waiving a portion of penalties assessed, the Board will now waive all penalties. Violations have been corrected.

Old Business:
Drainage: Research and information gathering continues in preparation for annual meeting; nothing additional to report at this time.
Common Area Lighting: Research and information gathering continues in preparation for annual meeting; nothing additional to report at this time.
Locking Mailboxes: Research and information gathering continues in preparation for annual meeting; nothing additional to report at this time.

Committee Reports:
Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations:

Hearings: A hearing will be scheduled and a notification letter sent for alleged violations at the following property: 7050 Leestone Street.
Extensions: None.
Hearings to be re-scheduled: None.
Second violation notices: Second notice will be sent regarding violations at 7001 Leebrad Street and 5258 Bradgen Court.

Grounds and Maintenance: Work will be scheduled to repair perimeter fence and to re-paint curbs. No further report provided.

Activity Report – Homeowner Accounts / Website: No report provided. Because duties are now split between numerous volunteers, reports on these duties need to be discussed with the individual volunteers to determine the most appropriate format in each case.

Financial Report: A balance sheet and budget report were presented to the Board.

President’s Report: President continues to work on annual meeting package. President researched the concern presented at the December meeting re: occupancy. Information was provided that outlined Fairfax county laws and ordinances on occupancy limits and how to report suspected violations. The names and duties of new volunteers were presented for inclusion in the official record and are recorded here:
Roster Maintenance – Julie King
Homeowner Accounts – Pamela Stover
ARC Penalty Accounts – Mohammed Umar
Webmaster – John Atsatt
Website Committee – Ann Bailey; Tom Harvat; William Wilkinson

New Business:
Annual Meeting: The 2007 Annual Meeting will be held at Immanuel Bible Church. Checklist was reviewed and those who have volunteered to help specifically with the annual meeting were assigned duties. Zoning and occupancy information will be included as “information only” in the annual meeting package. This will also be a topic for discussion on the annual meeting agenda.

Donations: Donations to both Phillips School and Emmanuel Bible Church for the use of rooms was discussed. A motion was made and carried to donate $100.00 to each facility.

Adjournment: The Board adjourned at 8:50pm.

Certified for the record:

/s/ Janet Rourke (for) 2/16/07
Rose Weber, Secretary Date

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