Leewood Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting
March 13, 2007
Board Members Present:
Janet Rourke – President (serving on a temporary appointment)
Bob Chilakamarri – Vice President
Rose Weber - Secretary
Mohammad Umar – Treasurer
Melinda Ford – Member-at-Large (serving on a temporary appointment)
Convening: The meeting was called to order at 8:03pm. The meeting
was held at the Immanuel Bible Church, 6911 Braddock Road, Room
412, Springfield, VA 22151. The meeting was electronically recorded
by the Board Secretary for record purposes. Note: the meeting was
preceded by a short period of socializing and light refreshments
The 2007 Annual Meeting was attended by forty (40) “vote-eligible”
homeowners. In addition, sixteen (16) proxies were received for
a total of fifty-six (56) possible ballots cast. There were a total
of fifty-three (53) residents in attendance (homeowners, spouses,
partners, roommates etc.). Quorum was established. “Roberts
Rules” were invoked and guidelines regarding same were distributed.
Officer Reports:
President: The President welcomed those in attendance and thanked
those who have volunteered in various capacities throughout 2006.
The President also thanked the volunteers who worked on the planning
and execution of the annual meeting. The President briefly recapped
what the Board accomplished in 2006, to include: negotiation of
a new trash contract; the revitalization of parking enforcement
& ticketing; the repaving and repair of lower Leestone Street
and installation of new curbs to correct drainage issues and the
repainting of the curbs to reflect reserved parking spaces. The
President also outlined the Boards plans for 2007, to include lighting,
drainage and mailbox projects and the intent to review and revise
as necessary the Leewood Handbook and suggested the community organize
a Spring Cleaning Day during April to pick up trash and other small
debris around Leewood. On behalf of the entire Board, the President
encouraged/welcomed residents to attend Board meetings when possible
and expressed the hope that monthly meetings would be better attended
in 2007. The President also brought to the meetings attention that
zoning ordinances prohibit the renting out of basements that do
not have a separate entrance/exit (walk-out) and indicated that
important zoning information was in the annual meeting package;
everyone was advised to read this information if they had not already
done so.
Vice President: No report. Did give brief words of thanks and welcome
to the residents.
Secretary: No report.
Treasurer: No report.
At-Large: No report.
Summaries from Committee Chairs:
Architectural Review Committee: Janet Rourke reminded residents
that the ARC spring walk-through was just around the corner and
encouraged everyone to do a self-inspection soon and correct what
they could before the ARC committee did the walk-through and had
to start issuing violation notices. She also thanked everyone for
working with the ARC to correct problems in 2006 and therefore helped
keep our community looking great. No other summaries were given
by committee chairs.
Report on State of Finances: Leona Taylor, the volunteer Financial
Secretary, gave the following financial report: Assessments are
charged to each homeowner and are used to pay both regular operating
expenses as well as contributions into the repair and replacement
reserve. The repair and replacement reserve is used to maintain
the common property of the association (curbs, roads, signs, gutters,
etc.). Over time, the assessments collected have exceeded the amount
used for operating expenses and the reserve contribution.
Under the federal tax rules, LHOA has elected to only pay tax on
its investment income. An IRS ruling, Revenue Ruling 70-604, allows
homeowner associations to rollover excess assessment income from
one year to the following year. The IRS ruling holds that the assessment
income that is rolled over is not taxable income to the association.
A separate election (resolution) must be made by the owners/members
to do this rollover. Our accountants have advised us that by adopting
a resolution that permits this rollover we are then assured that
we can choose the tax filing method that results in the lowest taxes.
The board adopted a standing resolution in February, 1996 to make
the assessment rollover possible. This resolution was ratified at
our 1996 Annual Meeting. To be conservative, the membership has
ratified the resolution each year.
When preparing the income tax returns for the last few years, our
accountants have informed the board that the association has experienced
excess assessments for several years, resulting in the deferral
of these assessments. The deferral of assessments, however, is expected
to be sporadic in nature, and not recurring. The accountants, therefore,
have recommended that the board consider addressing the situation
of the accumulated deferred assessments. As of December 31, 2005,
the deferred assessments (excess assessments) totaled $68,075.
The accountants recommend a few alternatives, as follows: (1) the
association can make an additional contribution to the repair and
replacement fund; (2) the association may elect a different method
for filing its income taxes that would result in paying more taxes
than under the current method; (3) the association may return the
accumulated deferred assessments to the members. This last approach
is rarely done, due to the administrative overhead, lack of clarity
as to who is eligible to receive such refunds, and the potential
of leaving the association without necessary funds for unexpected
expenditures. Another alternative is to use the excess assessments
to fund new capital improvements for the community.
The board has chosen to use a portion of the excess assessments
to fund the installation of common area lighting in the community
for safety purposes. The 2007 budget calls for a one-time expenditure
of $32,400 for the new lighting. Another $8,000 will be spent in
2007 on special projects related to drainage issues in the common
These two extraordinary expenditures totaling $40,400 will create
an overall deficit for 2007. In other words, 2007 expenses (operating
expenses, the reserve contribution, and the lighting and drainage
expenditures) will exceed the assessments to be collected for 2007.
This deficit will, however, eliminate more than half of the deferred
assessments and address the concern of the accountants that too
much is being accumulated as deferred assessments. The board chose
not to spend all of the deferred assessments, as this would have
expended all of the associations accumulated operating funds.
Election of Board Members and vote on tax resolution and by-law
changes: Prior to casting ballots, a discussion ensued regarding
the By-law changes. The By-law change regarding the length of vehicles
was explained. There was much concern expressed over the By-law
change regarding PODS. It was felt by some that if PODS were allowed
they would create safety hazards. It was also felt that there would
be no real way to enforce how long PODS stayed in a parking space.
There was concern that PODS would attract thieves. Those concerns
were countered by those who felt PODS were really no different than
moving vans and that they posed no more safety threat than a moving
van or truck would. The same logic was expressed with regard to
the concern of thieves and the length of time particular PODS would
be present. A resident who works in the moving and storage industry
stated that PODS were very popular and are now an accepted and widely
used method of moving. Overall, it was felt that since PODS are
now an accepted and common-use moving method that it will be better
to have specific regulations on the books regarding their use so
as to control that use within Leewood rather than have no recourse
when they do appear from time to time as residents move in and out
of Leewood. One resident proposed a deposit for the use of PODS
which the Board will look into. After a short break for those in
attendance to vote and cast ballots, the following results were
Board elections: There were no nominations put forth or issues
raised for vote from the floor. Janet Rourke was elected to the
Board of Directors (50 “yes” votes/3 “no”
votes/ 3 “abstain” votes); Melinda Ford was elected
to the Board of Directors (47 “yes” votes/3 “no”
votes/5 “abstain” votes); the tax resolution was passed
(52 “yes” votes/3 “no” votes/1 “abstain”
vote); the By-law change was passed (37 “yes” votes/16
“no” votes/3 “abstain” votes).
Upcoming Projects: The President gave a brief overview of the current
status of the lighting, drainage and locking mailbox projects:
Lighting: Lights have been researched and a design has been chosen.
The exact number and location of lights to be installed has not
yet been finalized. Dominion Virginia Power will install & maintain
the lights. The President still needs to meet with Dominion to work
out details before any actual installation will begin.
Drainage: Al Sanford, the Grounds & Maintenance Committee chair
has researched the drainage issues. He has talked to professionals
to identify problem areas and rate them by cost to repair and severity
of the problem. He has also discussed various methods of correction.
The drainage project will need to be split into two phases, due
to cost, with the phase two areas being done in 2008.
Locking mailboxes: This project is only in the earliest stages of
being researched, but information will be provided as the project
progresses. All efforts will be made to retain our colonial design
and to incorporate our existing mailbox structures into the locking
mailbox stands.
Open Forum: There was discussion of the three projects discussed
above. Concern was expressed with regard to how these projects came
to be approved. The Boards actions were questioned and explained.
Points of each project were discussed. Some residents expressed
support of and thanks to the board. Chris Taylor asked that the
issue of a left turn lane into Leewood be resurrected. The Board
agreed that this needs to be researched and will do so. Pam Stover
asked that the Board look into the possibility of escalating the
street repair cycle and the board agreed to address the issue and
provide a response. Juan Laguna has concerns regarding the number
of cars some residents have and how it affects parking; he felt
that perhaps a car business was being run out of a Leewood residence
and wanted to know what could be done about it. He was advised that
if the business was licensed and the cars registered to/owned by
a Leewood resident there was nothing we could do unless they were
parked illegally, unregistered or inoperable.
Door prizes were drawn and four (4) winners received $100 among
them in prizes.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:27pm.
Certified for the record:
___________________ _____________
Rose Weber, Secretary Date
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