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Leewood Homeowners Association
Board Meeting

June 09, 2009


Board Members Present:
Janet Rourke - President
Tom Harvat, VP
Maggie Pitotti – Treasurer
Mohammed Umar – At-large
Rose Weber - Secretary

Also Present:

Bob Nelson - Homeowner
Bob Flynn - Homeowner
Al Carchedi - Homeowner
Leona Taylor - Financial Secretary


Convening: Meeting was called to order at 7:33 pm. Meeting was held in the Phillips School Library.

Minutes: A motion was made to approve the May 12, 2009, regular meeting minutes. The motion was carried and the minutes were accepted for the record.

Open Forum: Bob Nelson expressed concern over the timeliness of minutes being posted on the webpage. He brought to the boards attention that the April minutes still had not been posted. The Board acknowledged that it does sometimes take more time than it should to post minutes, and explained that because we an all volunteer community, sometimes things were done based on a volunteer's personal schedule and availability to complete tasks as opposed to an ideal timetable. Street repair was also discussed and the Board explained that work on upper Leestone was currently in the bidding process.

Architectural Review Hearings: There was one scheduled ARC hearing, but an extension of that hearing was requested and approved.

Officer Reports:
President: The President discussed the telephone directory and stated that we needed to proceed with finalizing it. The Secretary explained difficulties in finding time to devote to this project, so the VP volunteered to complete the telephone directory. Further discussion was held on locking mailboxes. A motion was made and carried to vote on whether or not to proceed with locking mailboxes. The vote to proceed with bids was carried with a 5 for, 0 against vote. A decision was deferred until the July meeting in the case of a request made by a homeowner to change the architectural standards to remove the prohibition against artificial foliage. The President did visit Fairfax police to discuss the possibility of posting an officer in Leewood at random times a few days a week to ticket "cut-through" and other speeders. The police gave several reasons why they could not, or would not do so.
Vice President: Nothing to report.
Treasurer: Presented an update on the status of assessments. As of June 9, 2009, 18 homeowners were in arrears, two of those cases are with the attorney and one is being held due to the death of the homeowner.
Secretary: Yard sale was a success in that there was good participation by Leewood residents and sales were good. Coffee, hot dog and soda sales earned approximately $30.00, which will be used for Leewood's 2009 National Night Out Cookout. Letters to the Granberry HOA regarding potentially dangerous trees and the operation of a business from a residential property have not yet been sent.
At-large: Nothing to report.

Committee Reports:
Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations (Note: as the ARC Chair, The Board President, Janet Rourke, does not vote on ARC hearing decisions or other ARC matters requiring approval of the Board):
Hearing(s): There were no cases due for hearing letters.
Extensions: Ahearing extension was approved for one violation.
Hearings to be re-scheduled: One (due to approved extension).
Second violation notices: Thirty-six Second Violation Notification letters were approved.
With Lawyer: There are currently two cases with the lawyer.

Grounds and Maintenance: Two bids researched by Al Carchedi were discussed. After in-depth comparison, the Board voted unanimously to select Dominion Paving and Sealing to do the street work on upper Leestone and lower Leestone.
Financial - balance sheets and budget report presented.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.

Certified for the record:
___________________ _____________
Rose Weber, Secretary Date




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