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Leewood Homeowners Association
Board Meeting

October 13, 2009


Board Members Present:
Janet Rourke - President
Tom Harvat – At Large
Mohammed Umar – Vice President
Maggie Pitotti – Treasurer
Rose Weber - Secretary

Also Present:
Al Carchedi - Homeowner
Leona Taylor - Financial Secretary
Melinda Ford - G&M

Convening: Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. Meeting was held in the Phillips School Library.

Minutes: A motion was made to approve the September 8, 2009, regular meeting minutes. The motion was carried and the minutes were accepted for the record.

Open Forum: There were no topics for discussion.

Architectural Review Hearings: There was one scheduled ARC hearing, for a total of one ARC violation. The Board convened an Executive Session at 7:40pm to conduct these hearings. The homeowner did appear before the Board and explained the difficulties he had been having trying to find a contractor to make his repairs. The Board voted to grant an extension until 1 November 2009, at which time, if the repairs were not made, penalties would immediately begin to be assessed. Executive session adjourned at 7:50pm.

Officer Reports:
President: The President reminded the Board that articles are needed for the November edition of the Leewood Times, the President also asked the Board for comments on the articles she had drafted for the newsletter. Comments were provided. The President informed the Board that she had authorized the posting of a homeowner advertisement seeking a babysitter on the mailboxes. Several Board members expressed concern that this would lead to excessive postings by residents, so the Board agreed that residents should not post notices on the mailboxes and that mailbox notices be limited to "official" postings by the Board only. The President discussed council's request for an authorization for payment plans, de-acceleration, and denial of waiver requests. The Board agreed that this authority would enhance Leewood's ability to recover legal fees, costs, and assessments, and voted unanimously to grant this authority to Segan, Mason & Mason, P. C.
Secretary: Nothing to report.
At-large: Garbage has been cleaned up from Bradwood Street, still working on getting the County to come remove the large stumps. Discussed reinvesting some funds from Schwab to a two year CD @ 2% at Capitol One. The Board voted and approved this transfer of funds.
Treasurer: The Treasurer presented a report on the status of assessments. There are currently 53 accounts outstanding of which one is with the lawyer and one is on hold due to death of the homeowner. The amount in arrears is $13,852.83. Of this amount $1090.83 is with the attorney. Note: of the 53 accounts, 43 have simply not yet been received…it is too early in the quarter to provide a true report.
Vice President: Nothing to report.

Committee Reports:
Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations (Note: as the ARC Chair, The Board President, Janet Rourke, does not vote on ARC hearing decisions or other ARC matters requiring approval of the Board):
Hearings to be scheduled: Three “Notice of Hearing” letters will be sent for ARC Hearings to take place at the 10 November meeting of the board.
Penalties Forgiven: None.
Extensions: None.
Hearings to be re-scheduled: None.
Second violation notices: None.
With Lawyer: None.

Grounds and Maintenance: G&M Chair provided 3 bids for priority tree work. The Board voted that two companies will perform the work, based on estimates for each specific tree. Shenandoah will remove the large dead White Oak in the wooded area behind 5268 Leestone Court. Dad's Tree Service will grind 1 large exposed stump, remove 1 tree, and prune 5 trees that currently create hazardous conditions to property/vehicles. A bid was also presented for perimeter fence work behind lower Leestone. The fence is severely rotted. The Board voted to approve the replacement of slat sections only, not posts. The posts are not rotted or compromised, just the slats.
Financial: Presented a routine update on the state of finances in Leewood. Initial 2010 budget review was conducted, and a draft budget will be prepared, presented, and discussed at the November meeting. The Board voted to make a donation of $100.00 to the Phillips School for providing space for Leewood HOA meetings. The Reserve Study was also reviewed, specifically, the timeline/need for future accomplishments. The President provided a list of Reserve Study items that have been accomplished. Future street repair (patch/seal coat on Bradwood) was discussed. The Board agreed that Bradwood was next up for street work.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.

Certified for the record:

___________________ _____________
Rose Weber Date




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