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Leewood Homeowners Association
Board Meeting

August 11, 2010


Board Members Present:
Janet Rourke – President
Mohammed Umar – Vice President
Lynda Flynn -- Secretary
Margaret Pitotti – Treasurer
Tom Harvat – At Large

Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm at the Phillips School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.

Minutes: The July minutes were reviewed and approved.

Open Forum: Al Carchedi stated that street repair was scheduled to start August 30th for paving and September 2 for sealing.

Officier Reports:

• President: The president presented a proposal for fence repair damage done by one of our trees. The bill was approved for work to be done. A discussion regarding allowing ads in the newsletter resulting in the board not allowing them due to the work involved in managing this. Legislative changes that are new that apply to our association are that we must collect funds for re-sale packets at time of pick-up. Workman’s compensation insurance is not necessary. A resident asked if she could have reserved space during street work since she is due to deliver soon, the decision was made to not permit any reserved parking. The Board approved a letter to a resident whose car was leaking excessive oil and damaging the pavement.

• Vice President: Nothing to report.

• Secretary: Nothing to report.

• Treasurer: The Treasurer reported that there are currently 22 accounts outstanding of which 3 have been turned over to the attorney and 1 estate matter. The amount of arrears is $7,750.00. Of this amount $2,150.00 is with the attorney. Note: Of the 22 accounts 3 owe for the 2nd quarter and 15 are for the current quarter.
Leona Taylor provided copies of the status of the budget to the board.

• At Large: Nothing to report.

Summary from Committee Chairs:
• Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations (Note: as the ARC Chair, The At Large Board Member, Tom Harvat, does not vote on ARC hearing decisions or other ARC matters requiring approval of the Board):
Penalties Forgiven: None
Extensions: None
Hearings to be scheduled: None
Second Violations Notices: None
With Lawyer: Three homeowner accounts.

The Chair of ARC reported that of the 63 letters sent, 31 complied and 32 second notices approved. The chair reported that he is waiting for reports from other committee members. There was discussion regarding one homeowner who has violations dated back to last year who paid penalties and has not made the required repairs. A decision on how to handle this matter was deferred to the September meeting.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm

Certified for the record:

_________________________ _____________
Lynda Flynn, Secretary Date



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