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Leewood Homeowners Association
Board Meeting

July 13, 2010


Board Members Present:

Janet Rourke – President

Mohammed Umar – Vice President

Lynda Flynn – Secretary

Tom Harvat – At Large

Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm at the Phillips School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.

Minutes: The May and June minutes were reviewed and approved.

Open Forum: Al Carchedi presented the contract proposal from Dominion Paving & Sealing. Dominion proposed that all of the potholes on Leebrad Street will be filled and the street seal coated. The board approved the proposal. Al will get a firm start date from Dominion. There was a discussion about the cars that will not be able to park on Leebrad Street and residents on Bradgen Court will not have access to their street during this process. A decision was made that a notice would be posted on the boards located by each mail box stand and notices would be left on the homeowners door advising the homeowners of the dates and that they will not have access to their street.

Officer Reports:

•President: The President stated that a resident in the one of the single family homes near the dry pond was dumping in the dry pond. A letter was written and they removed the trash. The drainage proposal from Shenandoah was approved. The president stated that there has been an interest in selling adds in the newsletter. A decision was deferred to the August meeting. Common area parties were approved with the stipulation that set up and take down be on the same day. A budget for National Night Out of $250.00 was approved. Rose Weber will co-ordinate the National Night Out activities. The Board discussed printing of the newsletter and it was decided that for the time being, we would continue as we have been doing. The recent legislative changes were discussed and there are only two areas that will need to be studied at this time. The Board approved two articles for the next newsletter: one on doors and one on use of the common area. The Board approved temporary repair of the pothole at Leestone Ct. and Leebrad Street. The work will be performed by residents keeping the cost of this temporary repair low.

•Vice President: Nothing to report.

•Treasurer: The Treasurer was not present, but provided an update of homeowner accounts. There are currently 49 accounts outstanding of which 3 have been referred to the lawyer. The amount in arrears is $13,150.00. Of this amount $1,350.00 is with the attorney. Note: Of the 49 accounts, 7 owe the 2nd Quarter 2010 and 42 are for the current quarter.

•Secretary: Nothing to report.

•At Large: The phone book is complete and is going to printing.

Summary from Commitment Chairs:

•Architectural Review Committee (ARC): The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations (Note: as the ARC Chair, The AT Large Board Member, Tom Harvat, does not vote on ARC hearing decisions or other ARC matters required approval of the Board):

Penalties Forgiven: none

Extensions: One extension given for 30 days

Hearings to be re-scheduled: none

Second violation notices: second letters will go out in August after re inspection by committee members.

With Lawyer: Three homeowners accounts.

A waiver was requested by one homeowner and a temporary waiver was granted based on the circumstance.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Certified for the record:

___________________ _____________

Lynda Flynn, Secretary Date




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