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September 11, 2012



Board Members Present:

Pat Willingham – Vice President

Margaret Pitotti – Treasurer

Judi Davenport – At Large


Homeowner Present:

Janet Rourke (ARC Chair)


Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm at the Phillips School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA  22003.


The minutes for August 8, 2012 meeting were review and approved as amended with one minor change.


Open Forum:  


·       Janet mentioned that there had been a couple homeowners who had items taken from their cars lately and we should put a notice on our website and in the newsletter.

·       Pat stated we received information regarding a recycling program that ADS is doing called “Think Before You Throw” and will call to see if we can get the pamphlet to distribute to our residents.


Officers Reports:


·         President/Vice-President:    

o   The Vice-President still needs to seek out the person that that might be willing to be the ARC chair. 

o   The board discussed articles for the next newsletter; want to get it out for September. 

o   The Reserve Study was discussed.  It was decided that we would spend more time reviewing it and focus on this at the October meeting.


·         Secretary:     not present; no report


·         Treasurer:   The treasurer reported that there are three accounts with the attorney.  Another homeowner will be sent to the attorney for a balance greater than $500.


·         At Large:   We received from the attorney the Resolution (#7) regarding procedure for complaints that is required by law by September 28, 2012.  It was reviewed by the board, some changes made; a motion was made, seconded and approved by all as amended.  We will make a copy for all homeowners and distribute to each house, mailing it to the off-site homeowners.  A notice will also go into the newsletter and the Resolution (#7) will be posted on our website.


·         Report on Finances:  Leona Taylor emphasized the need to identify any budget items we want for the 2013 budget.  We will be discussing this at the October meeting. 


Summary from Committee Chairs


·         Grounds and Maintenance:              The chair for Grounds and Maintenance had the snow contract signed as well as and the estimate to remove the dead pine tree at the entrance of Leestone Street off Backlick, and to clean out the brush in two separate sites in the common area. We will follow-up with Kevin regarding whether the homeowner who inquired had been notified that we would not remove the maple tree next to the residence on Leebrad Street.


  • Architectural Review Committee (ARC):  The following motions were made and approved regarding active ARC violations (Note: as the ARC Chair, The President, Kevin Laugherty, does not vote on ARC hearing decisions or other ARC matters required approval of the Board):


Penalties Forgiven: none

Extensions: none

Hearing Letter to be sent:   none

Hearings to be re-scheduled: none

Second violation notices:  none

With Lawyer: No new homeowner accounts

The ARC Committee Chair is vacant; one of the board members indicated that since it is so late in the season that we wait until next spring to send out notices.   


·         Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. 


Certified for the record:


Margaret Pitotti                                            10/9/2012

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________                      Date    _____________

Margaret Pitotti (for Lynda Flynn),
