Leewood Homeowners Association

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

April 8, 2014


Board Members Present:

Patricia Willingham- President

Judi Davenport- Vice President

Margaret Pitotti- At Large

Heather Pike- Secretary



Janet Rourke


Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:38 pm at the Phillips School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.


·         Minutes from February and March, 2014 meetings were reviewed and approved.


Open Forum:

A motion was made to elect board members into positions. It was agreed by all members that Pat, Judi and Heather would remain in their positions. Maggie volunteered to take the At Large position and Haroon would become Treasurer.


Officers Report:

·         President: Pat said homeowners had commented to her about how impressed they were with the snow removal this winter season. She received an email request asking if a representative for Jim Murran’s campaign speak at the Mach annual meeting. The email came after the meeting occurred. Mr. Meyer’s, Braddock Mews President, said there was a parking/towing sign posted with our community name on it. Pat took the sign down. She said she would call Mr. Meyers about trash on the hill.


·          Vice President: Judi discovered a light that was leaning and contacted Dominion. Dominion said a representative will walk the property again. The down stop sign will get fixed. Leona will save her a coffee can. She suggested in the newsletter that homeowners should be reminded to lock their car doors. Judi feels trash is getting worse, homeowners leaving it out from a day before and during the day.

·         At Large: Maggie reported on assessments.


·         Secretary: Heather talked about the trash on Leebrad, front wooden sign estimates will be obtained and she will ask Allison Hilberer to take over the newsletter (Sarah has the template).


Summary from Committee Chairs:


Grounds and Maintenance:

Dayna suggested homeowners that cannot follow trash rules will be sent letters and possibly be fined. The trash left on Leebrad was left by Eden Construction. A letter will be written to the homeowner requiring the company to clean up the debris. The board approved Professional Grounds to remove debris in the woods at Leebrad, prune tree at Bradgen and tree removal at a homeowner’s fence line. Dayna discussed a muddy alley renters are using to assess back gates. The alley is a muddy hazard and renters are scaling other homeowners’ fences to traverse the area. The board discussed several options to flagstone, gravel, sidewalk etc... The board said this issue would need further discussion to determine if there was something the board could do to fix the problem. A letter will be sent to the houses that are renting basements in this area.


ARC: Dayna said the ARC walk-through are being done and letters will be sent out around 4/17.


Executive session was called to order at 9:00. The session was called due to a letter the board received from a homeowner’s attorney.


Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:20.



________________________________                     Date: ______________

Heather Pike, Secretary