Leewood Homeowners Association
                                               Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
                                                             August 12, 2014

Board Members Present:

Patricia Willingham- President

Judi Davenport- Vice President

Heather Pike- Secretary

Margaret Pittoti- At-Large


Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm at Patricia Willingham's house.

Approval of past minutes
: June minutes amended and approved. July 2014 minutes were approved

Officers Report:

- Pat was given a review from the other board members about the tree limbs over the telecommunication lines. She got a couple complaints about the newsletter; all neighbors did not get the entire copy. Pat reminded these homeowners that the newsletter is posted on the website. Homeowners continue to compliment her on how the neighborhood looks. Pat looked at a tree at a homeowners request to remove. The board agreed to continue to monitor the tree. Two wasp hives were removed quickly thanks to Haroon. Our trash contract is up at the end of November. We discussed the mosque on Braddock; specifically their expansion and parking situation. North Springfield Association President would like to meet with the board. We will invite him to our September meeting. We discussed the parking space with two of the same number. We will speak to the owner and then fix the spot. We discussed painting of the parking spot lines (discuss with Leona and Dayna).

Vice President-Judi bought cement for the stop sign and message board. She went over the plan to put in the stop sign. Judi stated she will still email Leona about POAA packet costs.

At-Large- Maggie went over the assessments. Snow removal contract needs to be address shortly with Professional Grounds. Need to discuss with Dayna about ARC violations and time frames. Maggie will update a packet that was created by Janet so that it can be used as a template timeline for the present and future board.

Secretary- Heather discussed the broken fence and Judi agreed to get a sign for the fence Checked woods after a homeowner emailed the board and there are piles of wood in three separate areas. Homeowners are dumping these piles in the woods at the communities’ expense because Professional Grounds will have to be paid to clean it up. She stated these types of behaviors by our homeowners may have a negative effect on all homeowners in the long run. Heather went over three front sign designs and quotes. Members came up with an idea to put it out to the community to help design the sign. Heather discussed pavers behind a house on Leestone St. and wood debris on the corner of Leebrad in the woods. She asked Pat to add it to the email that will be sent to Dayna. Heather will email David with updates on the website and create a Leewood sign poster for the message boards. 

Adjourned at 9:30

Certified for the record:


__________________________________________________      ______________________

Heather Pike, Secretary                                                                     Date