Leewood Homeowners Association
               Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

                                                                       July 8, 2014

Board Members Present:
Heather Pike-Secretary
Haroon Malik-Treasurer
Maggie Pittoti-At-Large
Judi Davenport-Vice President

Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm at the Phillips School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale,VA 22003.


Approval of past minutes: June 2014 minutes were approved

Open Forum:

We received a letter from a homeowner about trash going out early. We will post on the boards in different languages regarding the trash. We received another letter from a homeowner about boxes being left out and the trash company did not take all of them. A resident called Dayna and had a meeting with the homeowner regarding children playing soccer, property damage and trespassing. A letter will be sent out to all homeowners in the area of Leebrad regarding this issue. Look at trees in dry pond specifically the cypress and a spruce. Judi discussed the POAA packet cost. Judi will speak to Leona about the POAA cost. Concerning National Night Out (NNO).  Dayna has emailed the homeowners that said they would take it on and they have not responded. NNO is coming up soon and need to have it because letters went out to the police chief and fire department. We need to go to the bank for the signature card. Heather will check with Dave about Maggie's title and our emails (complaints from others saying emails are being sent but we are not getting them.) on the LHOA website.

Officers Report:
Secretary- no report
At-Large- Maggie went over the assessments for the 2nd quarter. Currently we have four accounts with the attorney. Maggie will pass the postcards to Haroon.
Treasurer- Haroon reported he spoke to a homeowner about his ARC violations and the homeowner requested he pass on to the board the violations are being taken care of.
Vice President- Judi spoke about the message boards and the coffee can

ARC & GM Report:

ARC: Dayna has nine second letters that need to be sent out, all board members approved. Spoke of other approvals for extensions. ARC waiver binder, Heather will look in her boxes.
GM: put in sod, pruned, weed whacked dry pond drains, removed a rose bush, tree is scheduled to go down by a homeowners fence line. Trees growing on the lines are not electrical and may be telecommunication lines. There are no Cox lines in our area and Verizon will not prune unless it interferes.

Adjourned at 8:35

Certified for the record:


__________________________________________                               ____________________________
Heather Pike, Secretary                                                                             Date