Leewood Homeowners Association
Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2014

Board Members Present:
Patricia Willingham-President
Heather Pike-Secretary
Haroon Malik-Treasurer
Maggie Pittoti-At-Large

Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:42 pm at the Phillips School, 7010 Braddock Road,Annandale,VA22003

Approval of past minutes: May 2014 meeting minutes were approved.

Open Forum:

Al Sanford spoke on the rat infestation on Bradwood Court and Leebrad backing up to Braddock Road. It gets worse this time of year. He believes it's coming from leaving the trash being left out. Al is interested in harvesting some of the fallen hardwood on our southern property line wooded area. He will take dead limbs and take a dead tree once it's down. Al proposed memorial plaques for other deserving homeowners that have put tireless hours toward our community.

Jay from 7031 Bradwood Court discussed his fence; it is falling towards his property. Has a retaining wall with the fence on it. The rain may be eroding the retaining wall. Requesting the board to go look at it and respond back. Send an email to make a time to go check it out. A tentative date was agreed upon, 10 am Saturday morning Pat and Maggie will go.

Officers Report:

President: request to look at wires that run down Bradgen court, trees covering them and figure if we need to trim them. Dog improvements with leashes and poop pick up. Community taking shape and looking good again. Bought colored paper if we need to put any new notices on the message board. Spoke to County and referred to VDOT for the I Braddock grass area.

Secretary: Spoke about POAA packets, trash is still being put out too early Sundays and noon on day before trash pickup. Start leave notices to homeowners once we see who is doing it.

Treasurer: Haroon spoke of grass being blown onto his stoop. Professional Grounds not picking up sticks and need better street cleaning.

At-Large: Maggie brought the report for assessments. Discussed the process of filing with the attorney. Maggie will send notices out. Eventually will pass off some responsibilities to Haroon. Gave him an overview on duties. Need to send out postcards soon because July 1st is coming.

Arc and G&M: Dayna a sent an email with updates. Board voted on an Arc second notice.

ARC: Dayna approved a 30 day extension request for painting door trim which gives them until June 30th. Reinspections will take place in the next two weeks and a full report for second notices will be prepared for the July 8th board meeting.




1) Job # 33433 is complete with the exception of the tree growing into the fence of a homeowner on Leebrad Street.

2) I’ve requested a quote for removal of the dead tree in the circle common area of Leestone St. per Bob Flynn and Judy Davenport’s request.

3) I’ve asked Progrounds to remove the grass and muck from mowing the dry pond from around the drains. When the debris is left around the drains it prevents run off and causes a back up.

4) I’ve asked Progrounds to remove the limbs they pruned from around the cypress trees at the Bradwood St. entrance and one large limb from the dry pond.

5) I have a written request from a homeowner to have the vines removed from the common area. I think this is something they can just weed wack and not charge us extra for, but we will see.

6) I received complaints from seven residents regarding the tree removal in front of 5273 Leestone. (I can send you a list if needed) All of them questioning why the board would pay to have a healthy tree cut down and why some requests are approved and other requests for board improvements denied. My standard response has been “formal requests are discussed on a case by case basis” and should be sent to the board for the next board meeting.

7) Jon with Progrounds is working with Brian Pastoric to repair the damage to homeowner’s car by the edger. Insurance estimate is $900.

Articles to get together for Sara that we want included in the newsletter.

Adjournment at 8:56

Certified for the record:


__________________________________________                               ____________________________
Heather Pike, Secretary                                                                             Date