Leestone Homeowners Association

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2014

Board Members Present:
Patricia Willingham- President

Judi Davenport- Vice President
Haroon Malik-Treasurer
Heather Pike-Secretary
 Margaret Pittoti- At-Large

Janet Rouke
Leona Taylor


Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm at the Phillip School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.

Approval of past minutes: September 2014 minutes were approved by the board.


Leona- 2015 budget planning
The board discussed the budget by line items. We will revisit the assessment once we look at the final budget but we have agreed as the board to leave the assessment at $225.

Open Forum:

Maggie discussed the hearing letter process.  She was speaking specifically about an email the board received from Dayna. Judi said she will be leaving the board in November and she discussed her interim replacement. Haroon asked about handicap parking and discussed that homeowners are listing two spots when they are selling their homes. Haroon asked about the communities parking situation and if 2 reserved parking spots could be feasible.

Executive Session began at 8:52

Adjourned at 8:59

Certified for the record:


_______________________________________________             __________________

Heather Pike, Secretary                                                                     Date