Leestone Homeowners Association
Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2014
Board Members Present:
Patricia Willingham- President
Haroon Malik- Treasurer
Heather Pike- Secretary
Margaret Pittoti- At-Large
Convening: The meeting was called to
order at 7:09 pm at the Phillip School, 7010 Braddock Rd, Annandale, VA 22003.
Approval of past minutes: The board
Open Forum:
President of the North Springfield Civic Association attended the meeting. He
was elected to his post in May. Wants to unite
Officers Report:
President- Pat will complete the paperwork for police patrols to come
into our private neighborhood per the board approval. Pat discussed the snow
contract and the new rates. There were minor changes on the snow contract by a
couple of dollars. A motion was made to approve the new snow contract. Thanked
Haroon for taking care of the bee hives. Dayna and Pat informed the board what
they discussed with Jon from Professional Grounds concerning ground issues and the
contract. Pat said in July the board preliminarily
voted to approve the new contract and she will
go ahead and sign the new contract. Maggie said she did not recall this vote
and she will abstain from the vote today. A vote was made and the new grounds
and maintenance contract was approved. Pat got letters concerning work that
will be done on the dry pond and for the Alzheimer's rehab expansion.
Treasurer-no report
Secretary- Heather filled out an online police report concerning the
vandalism of our community fence. Dayna said she would draft a letter to the
homeowner that Heather saw the boys walk to on
At-Large-Maggie passed out the list for assessments and went over the
Budget with Leona
Income taxes are due and a signature is needed. Annual report needs a signature
and filed. Discussed the budget to get ready for when we need to finalize it.
Need to pull out the reserve study and look at it. Lighting bill has not
increased yet. The board needs to let her know what we want to put in the
budget. Leona asked if there was additional items that we want to add for
grounds and maintenance. Supplies, postage, printing, website etc that we need
to add. Sidewalks, curbs and streets need repairing to be added to the budget.
Add money for the four little signs.
*Leona mentioned
she knew a website that we could use to design the front sign and a company
that does brick work. She suggested we replace the four little signs and add
Leewood on them as well to identify our community.
G & M
Dayna called several companies about the parking painting. She will get a quote
for a line on the speed bump as well. She suggested that in the next newsletter
a piece about homeowners are not to rake leaves into the peninsula areas should
be included.
A homeowner with a broken railing will get a letter. Two certified hearing
letters need to be written. Letters went out for the large items left out for
Adjourned at 8:59
Certified for the record:
________________________________________ Date: _______________
Heather Pike,