Leewood Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
Members Present:
Pat Willingham- President
Janet Rourke- Vice President
Heather Pike- Secretary
Dayna Roy- Treasurer
Haroon Malik- At-Large
The meeting was called to order at
Approval of past minutes: June
minutes were approved.
Open Forum:
Officers Report/Updates
President: Pat discussed a letter from a homeowner. She informed us that
the tree proposal is covered in the budget. Pat will email 2 different GM
proposals and we will vote via email.
Vice President: Janet will draft a letter for trash and
we will all police our own areas. Janet discussed assessments that have gone to
the lawyer. Janet asked Pat about a drainage issue and an email. Heather will
be sent settlement notices from now on.
Secretary: Heather updated the board on the front sign
and she discussed a homeowner issue.
Treasurer: Dayna suggested two trees to add to the
tree proposal. Pat looked at these trees and noticed dead limbs. The board
could ask Jon to add it to the current tree proposal. Janet would like the
stumps to be removed. We need to make sure they check utility wires before
grinding the stumps down. She is working with the company for the bulletin
boards to lower shipping. Dayna is planning National Night Out. She will post
notices on the message boards informing the community about the when, where and
time. The board discussed games, food, pool and bug spray for the event.
Maggie passed out an up-to-date assessment sheet
Committee Reports:
Dayna received
two requests from homeowners asking for extensions. She is working on the
directory as well.
Al was given the
new tree proposal. Dayna asked about the sycamore tree. Al agreed that
Professional Grounds needs to focus cleaning the debris from the sycamore tree.
Al went over the paving quote and waiting on another. The board would like to
get paving done before school starts.
Adjoined at
Certified for the record:
________________________________________________ _________________
Heather Pike, LHOA Secretary Date