Leewood Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting Minutes
      March 10, 2015


Board Members Present:
Patricia Willingham- President
Heather Pike- Secretary

Margaret Pittoti- Treasurer

Convening: The meeting was called to order at 8:09 pm at the Phillip School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.

Officers Report:
Secretary-Heather introduced herself and mentioned we need volunteers, what's involved and encouraged neighbors to reach out to others to help run the community. The board are not the only members that can make a difference in the neighborhood, we all can.

President- Pat introduced herself, discussed the committees and volunteering.

Treasurer- Maggie discussed her role on the board and current assessment status.

Report of State of Finances:
Leona summarizes the 2014 budget, 2013 was audited and posted on website. Discussed the reserve study and where we need to be and where we are currently. Statement of activities for 2014 she went over it by line. Lastly went over the budget pie chart. Leona opened it up to questions.

ARC and GM Report:
Dayna gave an update for ARC and discussed street repairs, relining parking, fencing and drainage issues. She reminded the homeowners about the directory and handing them in.

2015 Goals:
Pat discussed street maintenance, parking spots will be lined and parking areas will be cleaned, purchasing software for managing ARC, continue ARC inspections and enforcement.

Election of Board Members
    * The 4 volunteers that were running for the board introduced themselves
    * Homeowners voted

Open Forum:
Fencing- discussed changing to a different material other than wood. Discussed spruce (treated) versus cedar wood. Cedar is more expensive but lasts longer and it's the homeowners decision. A question was raised about the style of fencing. The drainage in Leewood was set up by Fairfax County. A request was made by a homeowner for Professional Grounds to change where they start mowing each time incase bad weather occurs. During snow days the community needs to use common sense when it comes to trash/recycling and do not take it out or bring it back in if pick up does not occur. Dayna will send GM an email about all homeowners concerns.

Announcement of Voting Results:
New members elected: Janet Rouke and Dayna Roy
Exiting members: Margaret Pittoti and Judi Davenport left after their term was up.

      * Tax Resolution passed

Adjournment: 9:17 pm



Certified for the record:



_____________________________________                                    _________________

Heather Pike, LHOA Secretary                                                            Date