Leewood Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

                                                         October 13, 2015

Board Members Present:
Pat Willingham- President
Janet Rourke- Vice President

Heather Pike- Secretary

Dayna Roy- Treasurer

Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm at the Phillip School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003

Approval of past minutes: September minutes were approved.

Open Forum:
Officers Report/Updates

Open forum
President: Pat received a reminder from a homeowner about trash bags. Dayna is going to resend the trash letter to a portion of Leebrad and Bradgen. Pat gave a thank you regarding all that helped with the road repair. Pat handed out several letters received from a homeowner. A gentlemen came out from public works and told Pat to leave the drains alone. They would keep track of them and take care of them. Janet and Pat looked at a pine tree. Pat went to the County for a plat record regarding a request from a homeowner and a pine tree. Pat will send a letter out to the homeowner with the board response.

Vice President: Janet noted the board approved via email about paying for a towing fee and professional grounds maintenance around the sign. Janet discussed trash removal letter. We will add it to the assessment letter rather than the newsletter.

Treasurer: Dayna mentioned the assessment email from Maggie. The board voted on one homeowner that was over 500 dollars delinquent on assessments.

Secretary: Heather discussed the signs and payment.

Leona sent out the revised budget via email. Discussed the budget for 2016 and finalized it. The board discussed the website; revamping it and adding newsletters etc....We will look at the website and make suggestions by the end of the year. We need to do the dues letter stating the assessment stays at $225. The board approved the budget.

Bob Flynn has been added to the committee. The other volunteers except for Janet Rourke stepped down. Animal control came and picked up smelly cat from the dry pond. Landscaping was done Monday. Via email board members made suggestions on plantings by the new sign. Ultimately Professinal Grounds chose the plants. The board would like to add a light or lights by the sign. Dayna look into adding the light(s). The message boards will be installed on Thursday October 13th.

Adjournment 8:24 pm.


Certified for the record:


________________________________________________      _________________

Heather Pike, LHOA Secretary                                                    Date