Leewood Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes
      April 12, 2016


Board Members Present:
Patricia Willingham
Janet Rourke

Heather Pike

Leona Taylor

Dayna Roy


Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm at the Phillip School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.

Approval of past minutes: Minutes were approved for February and March with corrections.

Election of Officers:

Officer roles were discussed, and board members voted for officer positions.  The following officers and their positions were approved:

Patricia Willingham- President
Janet Rourke- Vice President

Heather Pike- Secretary

Leona Taylor- Treasurer

Dayna Roy- At-Large

Pat will notify webmaster of the new board members


Open Forum:
No residents present.


Officers Report/Updates:

President: Pat read the May invitation from the North Springfield association. She volunteered to attend and asked if others would attend as well. The light off Leebrad Street common area has been fixed. Pat discussed the newsletter Allison put together. She proposed set dates for posting a digital copy of the newsletter for the year. The board agreed to have the newsletter go out quarterly.

Vice President: Janet discussed parking of commercial vehicles while homeowners are having work done on their homes. The board discussed towing timelines and the existing board policy. The existing policy is that vehicles will be given a period of ten days for all occasions except when it concerns reserved parking spots.


Janet discussed the gift cards to out going board members. The board ratified the purchase of a gift card for the board member whose term expired at the March Annual meeting.

Janet asked about the status of the letter to the homeowners with tenants that are ruining common area grounds. Pat drafted a letter to these tenants and sent the letter around the table for the board members to review.


Janet asked about spring cleaning of the streets. The board agreed not to do the spring cleaning.


Janet asked about the tree that fell on the fence on Leestone Street and a neighbor’s shed. Pat will contact Al Sanford to see if he or his friend would like the downed tree. The ratified its e-mail vote to engage Professional Grounds to remove the fallen tree. Pat has also contacted LHOA's insurance company to file a claim regarding the tree damage.

The board will wait until the trees get their leaves to check their health around the community. Janet proposed fence replacement in two areas and volunteered to get an estimate. She asked about the weed pre-emergent treatment. The board discussed the bushes at the front entrance. Janet asked Pat when she would get the board members a copy of the grounds and maintenance proposal contract.

Secretary: Heather updated the board on recent POA's and suggested that the directory go in the welcome packet. Another issue is the new assessment reminder cards.  What happens with new homeowners that did not get the assessment reminders sent out at the beginning of the year? She suggested that the assessment voucher form should be placed on the LHOA website. Heather has extra trash magnets she could give Judy Sanford for inclusion in the welcome packets. The board could hand out magnets to renters. She asked about common areas with leaves and mentioned the nerf toy hanging in the tree at Leestone street..

Treasurer: Maggie gave the report of delinquent assessments. Leona discussed changing the registered agent; the board agreed that Leona should replace Al Carchedi as the registered agent. Leona went over the January to March profit and loss statement and balance sheet. Leona also reported that the large CD at Schwab matured, and the board will need to discuss at a future board meeting investing the reserve funds. Leona suggested the board may want to move money out of the Vanguard equity account. (Board action is tabled due to time limitation and need to update the Schwab paperwork with the new officers before investment actions can be taken.)

130-140 letters will be going out. Around 60 have been sent out. Dayna has 3 requests from homeowners for home improvements. Dayna went to court regarding ARC violations from a homeowner.

Adjournment 9:22


Certified for the record:


________________________________________________      _________________

Heather Pike, LHOA Secretary                                                    Date