Leewood Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2016
Board Members Present:
Pat Willingham- President
Janet Rourke-Vice President
Heather Pike- Secretary
Dayna Roy- Treasurer
Guest: Margaret Pittoti
Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm at the Phillip School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003
Approval of past minutes: November minutes were approved.
Open Forum:
Officers Report/Updates
President: Al Sanford resigned from grounds and maintenance. Pat filed a
complaint with Dominion regarding a light around Bradgen. She secured the dates
for Phillip School 2016 meetings and annual meeting. Pat started revising the
annual meeting and Dayna will add other documents. Once it is done Pat will
email the copy for approval. By the end of January, Pat will copy the annual
letter. Yellow vouchers for assessments have been mailed in with January
assessments by the homeowners. Pat will email Heather the assessment voucher to
add to POA. Pat discussed the message boards. Maggie suggested a reminder go on
the message board about assessments prior to when they are due.
Vice President: Janet suggested that it would be helpful if the board
could see ARC letters and POA letters. Still wants a copy of a signed copy of
grounds and maintenance contract original.
Treasurer: Dayna: mentioned quickbooks to save documents so all board
members can access them. Saw a vulture eating the trash this week.
Secretary: Heather had no report.
Dayna picked up new McCormick paint charts. The board discussed new colors to
approve. Dayna discussed a homeowners request for changing paint colors. One
letter went out for ARC violation and one for trash.
Financial Report:
Maggie reported 70
accounts that still need to paid for January assessment. Discussed accounts
over $600. Maggie will send a final notice to these accounts.
Adjournment 8:41
Certified for the record:
________________________________________________ _________________
Heather Pike, LHOA Secretary Date