Leewood Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2016
Board Members Present:
President: Patricia Willingham
Vice President: Janet Rourke
Treasurer: Leona Taylor
Secretary: Heather Pike
Convening: The meeting was called to
order at 7:34 pm at the Phillip School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003
Approval of past
minutes: April minutes were approved with edits.
Open Forum
Officers Report/Updates:
President- Pat received a complaint about a
homeowners "For Sale" sign and an issue concerning a "For Rent"
sign. Vehicles have been broken into throughout the neighborhood. We can add a
notice on the message board. Information regarding mosquitos went up on the
message boards. Letters to homeowners on Leebrad with
tenants were delivered. Pat got an email from a homeowner asking about
vibrating in their homes. Janet believes its traffic from Braddock Road. It's
not all the time and mainly at night. Pat will email the homeowner with the
Vice President- Janet pointed out that the board needs to make sure we
have two signatures on all checks. When Dayna gets through with the first round
of ARC, the board needs to approve 2nd letters before they go out in the mail.
Janet agrees with Dayna that the front sign plantings look really bad. We need
to fix it and have Professional Grounds come in to redo it. We need to resolve
the parking spot that has the wrong number.
At-Large- Dayna was absent but provided the
following information via email. Cars have been broken into on Leestone Court and Street. There was no car damage but the
cars had been ransacked and property was taken. The homeowners collectively
believe the break-ins occurred between midnight and 5 am. Dayna filed a police
report for her own vehicles, encouraged the others to do so as well and
requested the police to send a patrol during the timeframe given the following
Saturday. Dayna mentioned that homeowners had also volunteered to do a
neighborhood watch. Dayna remarked on the plantings at the front entrance sign.
The plantings need work and Professional Grounds needs to be notified. Dayna
asked about the grounds RFP and whether the board sent out letters to the two
homes on Leebrad concerning the renters exiting on Bradwood Ct.
Secretary- no report
Treasurer- Leona noted that action on reserve funds will be deferred
pending completion/submission of Schwab paperwork to update signatures.
Financial Report:
Janet discussed on Maggie’s behalf the open court cases.
Maggie emailed the board the 2nd quarter assessments spreadsheet.
Dayna provided the
following via email: All but 15 letters have been mailed and she is waiting on
re-inspections to clarify a few open items. An updated spreadsheet will be send
to each inspector next week.
The board discussed the "request for proposal for," grounds landscape
management. The board made edits to the contract. This contract will be sent
out to contractors for their bids on grounds and maintenance. After edits have
been made the revisions will be sent to the board. Peter's Landscape,
Professional Grounds, Premium Lawn and Landscape will be sent the RFP. Pat will
look at CAI website for more contractors and will send them to the board via
Adjourned: 9:00 pm
Certified for the record:
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Heather Pike, LHOA Secretary