Leewood Homeowners
Board Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2016
Board Members Present:
President: Patricia Willingham
Vice President: Janet Rourke
Treasurer : Leona Taylor
Secretary: Heather Pike
At Large: Dayna Roy
Margaret Pittoti
Kevin, Professional Grounds
Jeff Murphy, Premium
Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm at the Phillip School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.
Approval of Past Minutes: August minutes were approved with edits.
Open Forum:
A representative from Professional Grounds and Premium Lawn and Landscape presented at the meeting per the board’s request. Each representative was scheduled for a half hour question and answer style session.
Based on the information received, the board decided to convene Wednesday, September 21st to renew the proposal and decided the vender. Dayna suggested we ask Professional Grounds to give us a turf preservation estimate. This will give the board comparative points.
Officers Reports/Updates:
President- Pat presented the revised proposal for tree work. The additional pruning was approved. A homeowner requested to move their reserved parking space. The board approved the move at the next lining and numbering. Pat discussed a rogue animal watch in our community and a homeowner encounter. Pat suggested we write the homeowner a letter acknowledging their concern. The board will recommend the homeowner to fill out a complaint form. This form can found on our Leewood website.
Vice President- Assessments/debt collection procedures will remain the same after additional research by Janet and Leona. Four delinquent homeowner accounts are reamended to be sent to the lawyer. The board voted and approved sending the accounts to the attorney.
Secretary-no report
Homeowner Accounts- Maggie sent delinquent letters to homeowners to pay by Sept. 20th.
Treasurer- Leona discussed the management company proposal to send out to potential management company. It was agreed that the proposal would be sent to potential companies in order to gather information for budget purposes. Leona had bills that needed to be signed. The Capital One document needed to be filled out and signed as well.
At-Large- no report
New Business:
Complaint form needs updating on the LHOA website. Pat agreed to handle it.
A movie night was proposed by a local realtor to sponsor. Pat will communicate with a local realtor about his proposal for a community movie night.
Adjourned 9:24
Certified for the record:
____________________________________________ ___________________
Heather Pike, Secretary Date
Leewood Homeowners
Board Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2016
Board Members Present:
President: Patricia Willingham
Vice President: Janet Rourke
Treasurer : Leona Taylor
Secretary: Heather Pike
At Large: Dayna Roy
Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at 5274 Bradgen Court , Springfield, VA, 22151.
Grounds and Maintenance:
Discussed both Premium and Professional Grounds
proposals and presentations
The majority of the board members voted to keep
Professional Grounds with reservations. The vendor will be contacted to provide
a contract.
Old Business:
Capital One document was completed by the remaining board members
Movie Night:
The board discussed issues with realtors doing a movie night and potential of
Leewood being seen to endorse certain realtors. The board agreed not to allow
the movie night.
Block Party:
A homeowner asked
the board if a block party can be held on October 31st on common
Not a HOA event
Board gave permission to use the common area
The host needs to know the open container laws
pertaining to common areas
New Business:
Homeowner would like to present and resubmit drainage plans at the October meeting. The board discussed what materials the homeowners would need to present. Pat will notify the homeowner. Board will communicate back to resident current rules for use of common grounds and slso a reminder regarding following Fairfax County laws for alcoholic beverages.
Board adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Certified for the record:
____________________________________________ ___________________
Heather Pike, Secretary Date