Leewood Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2017


Board Members Present:                                                                            

President: Patricia Willingham

Vice President: Janet Rourke
Treasurer: Leona Taylor
At Large: Dayna Roy

New member: Nathan Parsons-Schwarz

Convening: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm at 7026 Leebrad Street, Springfield, VA 22151.


Approval of past minutes:  The Board reviewed the status of minutes for prior meetings. 


Open Forum:  No homeowners or residents were present.


Election of Officers:  In preparation for the next meeting, the Board discussed roles and decided on the following board positions based on the committee and other roles held by some of the board members:

Positions will be officially voted at the next meeting.  Figuring out the positions will allow for advance preparation:

·         Paperwork to update the various investment accounts can be prepared for signatures at the next meeting.

·         The towing company can be e-mailed with the board member list.

·         Janet will contact Heather to get the Secretary files.


Updates & Information:

As part of its planning process, the Board discussed various open issues to identify next steps and to bring the new board member up to speed:




The meeting was adjourned at 9:30.


Certified for the record:


__________________________________________________                           ____5/9/17_____________
Leona Taylor, Treasurer                                                                                                Date