Home Owners Association
Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present:
President: Patricia Willingham
President: Nathan Parsons-Schwarz
Treasurer: Leona Taylor
Secretary: Janet Rourke
At Large: Dayna Roy
The meeting was called to order at
Open Forum:
No homeowners present
National Night Out held on
Vice President:
Nothing to report. Nathan agreed
to be the Board representative on the Nominating Committee and was asked to
identify two other homeowners to complete the committee.
Janet inquired about several pending items including whether the lawyer
for the homeowner seeking an easement for drainage had been received. It has not and the Board agreed that there
would be no HOA follow-up since action now rests with the homeowner. The stump has not yet been removed where a
river birch was cut down. The invoice
for that work is being held until the project is completed. The parking survey is being finalized and
will be mailed to homeowners. This
survey will also include questions concerning items other than parking. The purchase of ARC software is still
pending. Tree pruning by our grounds
contractor (limbs hanging over sidewalks and streets less that 15 feet above
the ground) has still not been completed.
Large tree pruning has not been completed. The Board approved Richard’s to perform this
work and approved the first invoice. Richard’s will be sent some additional tree
work to be bid on. Landscaping around
mailbox stands still pending.
Financials will be posted on the website shortly. The draft audit was discussed and approved. Leona recommended that we keep the same audit
firm and the Board agreed. Leona
reminded the Board that we should begin discussion of the budget at the
September Board meeting and to bring items that will need to be included in the
budget. 41 homeowners still owe
assessments; 12
who were late have paid. One additional
homeowner account is ready to go to the attorney subject to final review of
checks just received. The webmaster and
assistant are exploring other platforms for the website. The fee for final disclosure on sale of a
property is $50. The loose board on
fence along
At Large:
Dayna is finalizing the parking and miscellaneous survey and will mail
once finally approved.Three additional ARC letters
approved. The Board certified an ARC
waiver for a home on
The trash contract bids were discussed and the Board agreed to approve a
renewal of the current contract subject to final negotiation on per unit cost
and new recycling bins. The Board agreed
not to seal the
Meeting was adjourned at
Certified for
the Board____________________________Date___________