Leewood Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes

February 14, 2017

Board Members Present:

President: Patricia Willingham

Vice President: Janet Rourke

Treasurer: Leona Taylor

At-Large: Dayna Roy

Secretary:  Heather Pike did not attend


Convening:  The meeting was called to order at 7:23 pm at the Phillip School, 7010 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003.


Approval of Past Minutes:   Approval of January Minutes deferred pending edits.

Open Forum:

·         No homeowners were in attendance


Board Reports:
President- Stephen Greer may volunteer to do Newsletter, Pat will verify. Tree Stumps were grounded.

Vice President-Questioned on whether PG had completed all mulching/weeding/pre-emergent applications.

Secretary- No report

Treasurer- Leona reported on the 1st quarter assessments – 68 of 195 are past due, (5) remain at attorney pending collection.  Board approved (2) new homeowners going to attorney for collection since three quarters are now past due.  Distributed A/R aging summary report.  Spreadsheet of reserve study calculations received.  A full report will be sent to board members for review once it’s received.  Asked if anyone is familiar with the owners at 7075 LS.  We were notified that house sold, but did not receive info on new owners.  Leona will visit the home to inquire.


Audit – Board reviewed audit and management letter.  Auditors recommended we continue to aggressively pursue delinquent accounts (S/B at 3% of total assessments).   Reserves are good. Taxes are fine.  For insurance, the auditors recommend in addition to normal coverage that we should have policies to cover crime and offenses. Auditors recommend selling Vanguard investment; Leona verified that by VA law we can continue with normal investment practice.  Board approved auditors report.


Board members need to complete and return insurance riders to agent ASAP.


At-Large- Dayna reported two homeowners, one on Bradwood Ct. and one on Leebrad St. emailed her that their cars were broken into on February 5th 2017.  She advised both residents to report to FFX County Police non -emergency.  The Bradwood Ct. Resident inquired about installing security cameras on their property.  There is nothing in the by-laws against discreet surveillance equipment; therefore,   the Board cannot rule without additional research into privacy and HOA rules & practices. Pat replied that a resident on Bradgen Ct. actually saw someone in their car on the same date around 2 am.  That person called the police.  Dayna suggested having a Police Officer speak at the Annual meeting – Pat agreed to schedule. 


Old Business:


·         American Disposal sent a notice that the regulatory change that affects how yard waste is collected has been postponed indefinitely.  We will post the notice in the next newsletter and update website.

·         David and Leona continue to make improvements to the website.  FAQ’s are updated.  Snow removal FAQs added.   Board discussed and decided to eliminate manual general info since this is narrative interpretation of what is in our legal documents.

·         We need to update the POA and welcome packets to exclude manual.

·         Leona updates the Welcome committee on who to visit.

·         January Financials were posted.

·         The Mills project- the board received the easement agreement and attorneys questions on getting independent engineer.  Board discussed CAI and FCWA as potential sources for engineer. 

·         Discussed finalization of annual meeting notice packet and what each board member will present at the meeting.

Committee Reports:

ARC- Dayna reported that a resident on Bradwood Ct. asked to install concrete pavers in the common area to help with standing water and drainage on the side of his house.  The Board voted to uphold the rule not to approve pavers in the common area.  

Dayna received and approved the following requests: a new door on Leestone Ct., new paint and shutters, windows and storm door on Leestone St., replace a roof on Leestone Ct., repairs to front porch slate on Leestone St., and new Landscape renderings on Leestone St.

 G & M- Pat reminded each board member of the shrub proposal for around the mailboxes. She asked everyone to look over the proposal in their free time. The shrub work would be done in the spring.  Pat is planning a walk through with Jon Zalewski to point out low hanging tree limbs.

Adjourned 8:59

Certified for the record:


_______________________________________________           Date:       ___5/9/17___________

Dayna Roy, At Large Member