Leewood Home Owners Association

                                                            Board Meeting Minutes

                                                              September 12, 2017


Board Members Present:

President:  Patricia Willingham

Vice President:  Nathan Parsons-Schwarz

Treasurer:  Leona Taylor

Secretary:  Janet Rourke

At Large:  Dayna Roy


Convening:  The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm at Phillips School on Braddock Road


Minutes:  The Board deferred approval of minutes for August 12, 2017 to allow for additional comments to be added.


Open Forum:  No homeowners present


President:  Provided Board with list of tasks performed by Pro Grounds from 1/17 to 9/17.  Deferred approval of snow contract to October meeting pending further review.  Pat advised the Board that there had been a complaint concerning a commercial vehicle parked in Leewood.  There was discussion that perhaps some homeowners had English as a second language and the Board agreed that many announcements should be translated into other languages.


Vice President:  Nathan provided the Board with an initial summary of possible data storage methods to allow all Board members to access data.  The Board discussed who would administer a system, who would have access besides Board members.  Nathan will continue research to develop a system.  Nathan reported that additional members for the Nominating Committee had not been identified.  The Board suggested that Nathan contact several volunteers who had not yet accepted possible ways to help the HOA.  Nathan also stated he would write an article for the next newsletter.


Secretary:  Janet inquired whether the river birch stump had been removed and was told that it had been.  Janet also inquired  about a complaint from a homeowner concerning the abundant weeds growing in Leewood and whether anyone had gotten back to the homeowner.  Pat advised that the contractor was coming in the next week to spray the entire neighborhood.  The homeowner was so advised.


Treasurer:  Leona updated the Board on delinquent assessments.  Three overdue accounts are with the attorney.  One additional overdue account is being held pending court decisions on a separate issue.  Leona is continuing to follow-up on homeowners who have not paid on time.  A CD expired and Leona asked if someone could work on a new investment for these funds.  Janet volunteered to do so.  Leona led a discussion on the 2018 budget.  Line items were discussed and finalized.  Some line items paid for out of reserve funds still need discussion; these include curb work, painting of curb numbers, sidewalk repair.  The Board also discussed management companies and whether we should approve an increase in assessments for 2018.


At Large:  Dayna stated that initial testing of new ARC software was being done and it appears the  system would do what we need to have done on ARC letters.  Dayna also brought up that there had been a rash of Giant grocery carts being left in the neighborhood and suggested that we remind homeowners through a newsletter article that carts should be returned to the store.


General:  There was discussion of the waiver required by the county for yard debris collection.  There was general discussion of articles for the newsletter including one advising homeowners that Katherine Perkins had plants available to anyone who wants them.  Pat mentioned that someone had asked if an article could be included about the homeowner who achieved a world record in          at last year’s National Night Out.  Pat also mentioned a complaint from a few homeowners about rodents being seen in the neighborhood.  Pat was going to call the county about this.  The Board agreed on which trees needed work and a cost no higher than $13,100 for all the work.  Pat was going to contact  the contractor.


Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm.



Certified for the record:___________________________Date__________
