MEETING DATE: December 11, 2018

TIME: 7:30 P.M.



Board: Leona Taylor, Nathan Parsons-Schwarz Gideon Abebe, Justin Edwards, Khaleaph Luis.

Sentry Management: Birgit Burton and Angela Weed

Approval of Agenda

Board approved the proposed agenda.


Open Forum:  None


Approval of Minutes: Revised minutes of October’s meeting and November’s meeting were approved.


Board Officer Reports:

·         Leona asked about the status of mailing the assessment increase notices and coupon books.  Brigit reported that the coupon books for the next payment have not been sent out. She will contact the corporate office.  Per prior Leewood practice, the assessment notice is sent out 30 days prior to January 1 as per the bylaws.  Leona asked if we have an issue with the assessment increase notice not being sent by the end of November, as the budget is based on the additional $7,800 of assessments resulting from the increase.  The 2019 budgeted deficit is $1,500, so the budget may need to be updated if we cannot charge the higher assessment rate.  Birgit will check with office about it. The new assessment rates should have gone out by now.

·         Leona talked about the minimum number of votes needed to approve the board’s suggestions to amend the LHOA covenant. The attorney has advised her that 75% of home owners have to agree to make any changes to give the board additional enforcement mechanisms. We have to create an instrument for each home owner to sign and notarize to vote on any proposed changes. There is no time limit on it. The by-laws only require a 10% attendance (quorum) at the Annual Meeting, so we have to organize a way for all owners to participate in the covenant vote.  One of the options we have is to time it to the annual meeting in March.  The proposed issues that need approval by home owners are: limit in the number of people who reside in a home and penalties mechanisms for late assessments, trash, parking and architectural violations.  The Board discussed other approaches such as gift cards, conducting a preliminary survey to gauge interest in the issues, only making changes not requiring a covenant update, or not pursuing covenant changes.

·         Professional Grounds cut 2 trees that were not supposed to be cut. They will give us a discount   next time. Stump removal has not been done because their machine broke down.

·         The trash pickup date for Thanksgiving had been changed to Saturday.  Leona will post this year’s holiday trash pickup date on the message boards.

·         The newsletter is due in December.  If we are amending the covenants we need volunteers. Some of the issues that need to be mentioned in the newsletter are: assessment reminder, trash and parking policy, ARC revised Standard Manuals, architectural violation extensions, Annual Meeting save the date, and extending the number plaque repair offer.

·         Residents who received ARC violation letters who ask for extension due to weather will be granted.

·         Khaleaph still needs to call and talk to Schwab about reinvesting the reserve funds from CD maturities and reserve contributions.


Old Business

·         The new standards manual draft was completed and was distributed to the Board for review.  After discussion, the Board approved the revised manual, subject to one final review for formatting and spell-checking.  The Board also discussed what will happen if an existing homeowner exterior modification is now a violation under the revised standards.  The Board will review each issue on a case by case basis, such as owners that have security cameras mounted on their front of the property. The concern is potential neighbors’ and other residents’ violation of privacy when cameras are mounted on the front or back of a house.  The new standards manual does not permit cameras to be mounted on the front of the house (except door bell cameras) which is consistent with the prior prohibition that no wiring be visible on the front of the house.

·         For the concrete and street work, Angela Weed, a new manager with Sentry, will be assisting Birgit with the final walk-throughs and final proposals and comparisons this week for presentation next week via e-mail to the Board for review.   Whether the work can take place over the winter was asked by Leona.  Sentry indicated that temperature does not matter for the concrete work.   The concrete side walk project will start in the winter.  If home owners who need to make repairs to their sidewalks will be offered a discount through the contractor who is doing the sidewalk work for LHOA. Sentry will provide phone number and contact information of contractor to make arrangement.  Issue will be how to communicate the offer to owners wine the next newsletter will not be until March.

·         For the fence work, a walk-through was done with USA.  Walk-throughs will be done for the other contractors.


New Business

·         Professional Grounds – Sentry had distributed a current log of work completed by Professional grounds.  Some of the services provided need a follow up,

·         ARC notices have been sent out. Sentry will be doing re-inspections for compliance starting tomorrow.  Leona asked for reports/updates on second notices and hearing letters.

·         7018 Leebrad & 7027 Leebrad St.: Waiver for tree touching house no longer necessary; no violation exists under the revised standards.

·         5261 Leestone Ct. asked for waiver for a shed that is violates ARC guidelines.  Additional information is needed for the Board to consider.

·            Homeowner at 7043 Leebrad St. complained about a common area tree outside back fence that was cut.  Leona responded to the homeowner on the reasons why the work was done and apologized that workers came into the back yard (which the contractor did not tell us would happen).


Executive Session

Sentry provided a financial summary for November.  Archived financial statements and bank reconciliations were e-mailed to the Board on 12/10/18. 


Sentry also provided an update on assessment collections.


The meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.