P. O. BOX 1421




A quorum was met and the meeting convened at 8:05 PM

Board Members present:  Patricia Willingham, Dayna Roy, Leona Taylor and Nathan Parsons-Schwarz

Officer Reports:  Dayna reported on the parking survey that was held in September 2017.  Ninety-six residences responded out of the total of 195 homes.   There was much discussion including the following issues:  some units having multiple cars parked in the community; issuing parking decals; utilizing a towing/parking company to monitor for parking violations; issuing two reserved spaces to each residence; utilizing common area to make additional parking spaces available; and establishing a parking committee.  Additional discussion and/or establishment of a parking committee will be considered once the new management company comes on board.

Patricia reported on the tree work that went on in the community last fall.  Richards Tree Service was selected as our preferred tree company after a RFP process.  The Association spent over $15,000.00 between two companies having trees pruned or removed.  Gideon, a member of the Grounds & Maintenance Committee, reported that some trees may appear to be dead but are merely dormant.  These tress need not be removed but could be saved by treating and nourishing their root systems.  A question was raised regarding replacing the removed trees.  Gideon reported that it would not be good to replant trees in the same area from which a tree was removed; that the remaining hole in the ground may not stable or healthy for replanting.  As a result, he suggested a long term plan to maintain trees as much as possible rather than cutting down trees.


Nathan presented gifts to the outgoing Board members, thanking them for their service to the community.  Nathan then went through the process just completed by the Board to select a management company for the Association –the RFP, bid review, interviews, financial analysis, and company selection.

The Virginia Regional Vice President from Sentry Management, Dave Ciccarelli, was introduced to the homeowners.  He discussed the various functions that the company offers and the number of homes in Virginia that Sentry manages.  He outlined how the company operates and talked about how the company could save us money.  Homeowners had numerous questions, mainly about the cost of the management company and just how owners would interact with the site manage and the company as a whole. 

Dave informed those present to expect a welcome packet 7 to 10 days after the contract is signed which will contain coupon booklets for assessment payments.  Each homeowner will have a personal account and log in to Sentry’s system for viewing of their account and our website.

In conjunction with a review of the Association’s financial status, Leona addressed the financial aspects of going with the management company including reminding owners that the assessment increase from last year and this year were to ensure monies would be available to pay management fees. She spoke about the Board having negotiated and renewed the contracts for trash removal and grounds maintenance to lower fees and completing the reserve study which showed the Association well-reserved and resulted in lower required annual reserve contributions.   She also outlined that various line expense items in our budget could be reduced with the management company administrative capabilities, thereby providing additional funds to offset the cost of the management company.

Nathan addressed the lack of volunteers to staff the Nominating Committee or to run for the Board.  He stressed that the current Board members were handling multiple tasks in addition to Board duties and that additional help is sorely needed.  He also stated that many people volunteered last year but either were not available to help or never returned phone calls.  He then asked for volunteers to run for the board.  Three people nominated themselves from the floor.  They are:  Khaleaph Luis, Gideon Abebe and Justin Edwards.  Homeowners were instructed to use their ballots to vote for new members of the board as well as the yearly tax resolution for deferring excess assessments to the following year.

While the votes were being tallied, the winners of the door prizes were announced, and they are Claudia Valente and Jide Ogunnaike.  They received gift cards from the Association.

The vote was unanimous for the three Board nominees, and the tax resolution was also unanimously approved.

Open forum:  Owners brought up various issues to the Board: catch basin at the corner of Leestone and Leestone Court, two watch lights needing repair (one has been tagged for repair by Dominion Energy, and a report will be submitted for the other light), trash –getting people to follow the rules, lawn maintenance –what the contractor does versus what homeowners do, pothole on Leestone Ct.

With no further discussion and all business handled, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.


Submitted by:

Patricia Willingham