MEETING DATE: September 11, 2018

TIME: 7:30 P.M.



Board: Nathan Parsons-Schwarz, Justin Edwards, Khaleaph Luis.

Sentry Management (Property Manager): Birgit Burton


The meeting convened with a quorum of three board members and the Property Manager.


Open Forum:

There were two home owners in attendance: Pat Willingham and Bob Flynn.


The issue raised by the residents was trash collection.  A representative from American Disposal also attended at the request of Sentry Management to address concerns and complaints from the community regarding the trach and recycle collection process.  The American representative agreed to shadow the crew as they work in Leewood to witness the performance and would report back to Leewood.


Approval of Minutes:

The August meeting minutes were approved, subject to correction of typographical errors.


Officer Reports:

·         Khaleaph: None

·         Justin: None

·         Nathan: None

Committee Reports:

·         ARC:  Per Sentry, violation letters on the 49 properties inspected were mailed out the Wednesday prior to this meeting.

Old Business

·         Drainage and standing water: Tabled

·         Number plaques:  The Board approved the volunteer from Leewood offering replacement of number plaques to the community.

·         Asphalt proposals: Tabled

·         Tree proposals: Tabled

·         Sidewalk and handicap proposals: Tabled

·         Cleaning and sealing of fence on Backlick: Tabled until Sentry provides quotes.

·         Nathan indicated the Board’s concern that so many projects are still outstanding.  Birgit informed the Board that Sentry is experiencing staffing shortages.  Nathan suggested and Birgit agreed that Leewood should communicate with Sentry on our service concerns.

·         Parking recommendations: Tabled

New Business:

·         Doggie waste stations: Sentry provided information on doggie waste stations.  Nathan indicated that the Board previously decided against installing these stations.

·         7027 Leebrad request for removal of tree: Tabled

·         Sentry presented the proposal for Professional Grounds for snow removal for 2018-2019.  The Board approved the proposal. 

Executive Session

·         The Board reviewed the financial documents provided by Sentry.  The Board discussed whether interest should be charged on past due assessments –even before the account is turned over to the attorney for collection.  This is allowed per the Association governing documents but has not been done in the past.  The attorney for Leewood identified this as a means of enforcing collection but suggested that, if implemented, the policy be done prospectively and also be announced in advance.  Sentry was consulted to make sure their system could accommodate charging interest, and the response was that this was possible.  The Board approved charging interest on assessments beginning January 1, 2019.


The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM